

Chapter 2

Xavier come in, it's getting late. My aunt called me from one of the windows of our house.

I sat on the top of a large tree close to my house, it was now a habit for me to come out here every night, I could think freely of our everything changed since the past four years, everywhere looked more peaceful, some people never knowing what really happened back then. The war was more like a fairy tale to some but it left a huge hole in the life of others. I was brought back to reality when my aunt called me.

'I'll be right there' I answered

We lived in the middle of a forest, far away from the main town of Peritus.

As I stood on the branch I was sitting on, I aimed for the next branch closest to me then shot myself downwards towards it, catching the branch with my hands, swinging myself front and back I threw myself to the next branch. I stood on the branch for only a split second before attempting a backflip. Although I had no interest in magic I could feel the wind guiding me to the ground, smoothening my landing. I couldn't stop thinking of how easy it was to use magic even though I haven't trained,not even once. It was like I was one with magic,like I could feel it around me but still I decided not to get involved with the magical side of this world

I opened the door heading straight for the kitchen where I knew my aunt would be waiting for me, she was done cooking as I helped her set the table, we sat down in the dinning and started eating, we were quiet like usual we didn't really talked much, she was not much of a talker she only spoke when needed to.

'Your uncle Winston will be visiting us soon' my aunt said

I was surprised when she said that because no one actually visited us, and now I was hearing that ambassador Winston will be paying us a visit

To what do we owe the pleasure' I said

'He didn't really say why he was' my aunt replied

We ate our food in silence, I couldn't help but wonder why the ambassador was coming over.

I finished my food and went straight to bed.

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