

Don't believe it!

Shortly after waking up, Florinda noticed that she had lost her sense of smell. She said, "I think I might need to take off from work today. Something doesn't feel right."

"Oh, no! Please not this again! Turn off the TV, & then this fake Scamdemic will disappear! The TV, radio, billboards, etc. lie & convince you that you have xyz disease, so that Big Pharma can make more profits.", said her daughter, Mitzy. "How many times do I have to keep telling all y'all the truth? Until I'm black & blue in the face? Stop being so stubborn & wake the flock up!"

Florinda said, "Mitzy, be quiet! It's not YOU, who has been suffering. You're not walking around with diarrhea, headache, loss of smell, etc. Stop being brainwashed with conspiracy theories. That's what YOU need to do. In fact, let me make an appointment with Dr. McConnell. But then, he might turn me away. No, I'm going to to get tested, whether you like it or not! & you're coming with me, because YOU might also test positive for COVID-19! Didn't you hear that Mrs. Katie Green from down the street died from Coronavirus? This stuff is REAL!"

Mitzy shook her head & told her mother, Florinda, that she should go back & watch the movies, "They Live", "Contagion" & "The Matrix". She also warned her mother that Coronavirus is 5G cover-up. She told her about the diagnoses being fake & adding fear.

Mitzy said that Mrs. Katie Green was actually a breast cancer patient for many years, & then died from surgery complications. Covid-19 falsely listed on her death certificate. Mrs. Green's family members are also falling for the lie. They're forced to have a drive-thru funeral.

Mitzy told Florinda, "Ok, if you think you have Coronavirus, then go right ahead! I warn you. The hospitals are killing people & then covering it up, Momma. Don't believe the news or mainstream media. Hospitals are empty. Ventilators are the final death warrant. Masks & social distancing don't work. Also, the tests are fake & inaccurate, & they're NOT free of charge. Remember Swine Flu back in 2009, with the fake free vaccines, that everyone got charged for, later on? Don't trade in your liberty for a false sense of safety & security. Did you ever read George Orwell's 1984? I told you to stock up on food, water, natural health supplements, toiletries, etc., but you sadly won't listen to me. You keep calling me a crazy doomsday cult prepper & conspiracy theorist. You're a stubborn narcissist who smear campaigned me & caused me to lose all my friends, because you twisted & exaggerated the truth that I've been telling, trying to make me out to look even more nutty than the world already sees me!"

Florinda replied, "No, you did that to yourself. No one to blame but you!"

Mitzy said, "Ok, we'll see who's the fool when you don't get to live much longer. Did you hear about Tiffany Dover? I bet you believe the false mainstream narrative! People are saying that she's dead."

Florinda said, "Enough already! I'm DONE! I'm too old for this!"

"Ok, fine. I'm out", Mitzy said.

So, Florinda went to 1 of the local clinics, & then found out that she tested "NEGATIVE", for some reason. She wasn't satisfied with the negative test, so she went to get her first vaccine dosage, just to stay on the safe side. She told her daughter, Mitzy that she's not allowed to come back over to visit, until after Mitzy took the vaccine.

Mitzy was fine with not being allowed back at her mother's house, but Florinda was bitter & upset because she thought she taught her daughter "better than that". They had a heated argument. Mitzy said that she will not wear a mask until after she sees Bill Gates wear one. She said that Bill Gates is a hypocrite, & that she knows about Gates & Fauci having their depopulation agenda. Mitzy stands her ground & tells her mother about Jesus warning in the Bible about mother & daughter turning against each other in these last days. She also talked about Jesus bringing peace & not a sword, & talked about the strong delusions in these end times. She was outspoken about the Georgia Guidestones, MK Ultra, mind control, freemasonry, etc.

Then, Mitzy said, "What are all these churches teaching y'all? Oh yeah. I forgot. 501(c)3!" Then she told Florinda, "Far as I'm concerned, you're no longer my mother, & you're no longer made in God's image. Sayonara, zombie!", & then walked out the door, & then her mother never saw or heard from her again. What a shame!

© Candy Grandpre