Title: The Lost Kingdom of Lumina🍀
In an age long past, the kingdom of Lumina stood as a beacon of light and magic. Its radiant towers gleamed under the sun, and its people thrived under the benevolent rule of Queen Seraphina, who wielded the Heart of Lumina, a powerful crystal that granted the realm its prosperity. But one fateful night, an envious sorcerer named Malachar stole the Heart, plunging Lumina into darkness.
As the kingdom fell into decay, its people scattered, leaving Lumina a ghostly shadow of its former self. In a nearby village, a young woman named Aria, descended from the royal line, grew up with stories of the lost kingdom. Driven by a deep sense of duty and curiosity, Aria vowed to restore Lumina to its former glory.
One evening, under the light of a full moon, Aria discovered an ancient map hidden in her...
In an age long past, the kingdom of Lumina stood as a beacon of light and magic. Its radiant towers gleamed under the sun, and its people thrived under the benevolent rule of Queen Seraphina, who wielded the Heart of Lumina, a powerful crystal that granted the realm its prosperity. But one fateful night, an envious sorcerer named Malachar stole the Heart, plunging Lumina into darkness.
As the kingdom fell into decay, its people scattered, leaving Lumina a ghostly shadow of its former self. In a nearby village, a young woman named Aria, descended from the royal line, grew up with stories of the lost kingdom. Driven by a deep sense of duty and curiosity, Aria vowed to restore Lumina to its former glory.
One evening, under the light of a full moon, Aria discovered an ancient map hidden in her...