

The one....(part-4)
Diana's mother encountered the 10 year old Diana into a most horrific situation ever......read the previous chapters then come here readers....

10 year old Diana, covered in all blood, was laughing with someone, her mother couldn't see. She yelled at her, called her but it seemed that Diana was lost in another world.
Then, Diana started playing hide and seek around the room with god knows who. Her mother was very terrified. She wasn't able to enter the mansion. The gate was locked from inside. She kept calling her.
Suddenly Diana saw her mother, and she opened the door...
As soon as her mother was about to saw something, Diana ran towards the garden. She ran so fast and nowhere in particular because the garden was now just like another forest. Her mother ran behind her calling her to stop and suddenly.....
Diana jumped into an old well. Her mother screamed and reached there. She couldn't see her. The well was dry but she couldn't find diana.
And suddenly, she felt someone pushed her violently into the well. While falling into the well, her mother saw that it wasn't diana, the girl was someone else....
But who???.......

© Manu