

HER ............

Edit(Continued): So, now the lockdown got over. I used to talk to her casually. Suddenly one day we started a convo about the another guy who had crush on her. She basically hated him and was a bit confused as well. She trusted me as a friend so told me many things. Then one day at 10:45PM I received a text from her that the guy had sent her friend request on Instagram should she accept or not. I replied it was her wish but she was a bit concerned that guy might spread the news everywhere that she had accepted his request. but she accepted it. Then at 11.30 she messaged that everything was clear b/w them now and they’ll be making a new start as friends. I was a bit happy because now she had no worries + the guy was friendzoned(Is what I thought). But the next day I got to know that she actually liked the guy and even asked him out. The guy replied that he isn’t sure if he loves her or not(he just liked her) so he wanted to wait till college then commit her. I was broken… badly broken. I was in love with her for3 years. Then I decided to tell her about my feelings. Before that I wanted to clear from that guy if they were actually involved in any relation or if he had any problem from me telling her my feelings. He was supportive and didn't have any issue. I indirectly told her that I have a crush on her. But maybe that didn’t clear things in my opinion. So I decided to text her in which I cleared everything. She said she ................