

Bull's Eye.Prolouge.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Saint Eros de Lopez."

"... Mr. and Mrs. Jiang An Ly!"

"... Mr. and Mrs. John Barachiel de Lopez."

"... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darwin Carleton."

"... Mr. and Mrs. Sergeant Bonde Patton."

"... Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard Dalton."

"... Mr. and Mrs. King Henry Sy."

"... Mr. and Mrs. Liwei Bao Ly!"

"... Mr. and Mrs. Darwynn Chadd Montecillo!"

It has been ten years. Everyone's in their right place now. My role as their cupid is done.


I turned around to greet my grandfather. After all these years, he's still strong and kicking the bush.

"You did a really great job, helping your relatives."

I showed him a smile as we look at the people celebrating Zirry's wedding. We're at the veranda and at the right place to secretly watch them.

From here, I can see Lena clinging to her husband while carrying their second child. There's also Nia who's seven months pregnant but still rocking her gown. Wei and Gan are also here with their babies. Zero, on the other hand, looked awkward while cooing his son. I also can't believe that he'll fall into my trap.

But I can't help but to smile while watching Jack bragging about his triplets. I can't believe that he got the most kids among all of us. Oh, and there's also Mary who's breatfeeding her first born. She doesn't want anyone to touch her because she's only a month old and yet, so cute and pretty.

They all made it. Having a family of their own. Those lucky bastards. They should thank me for giving them their soulmates.

"No biggies. You know that thank you isn't enough for me right?"

I heard him sniffed and reached my hand.

"Do you really need that? I know you can still fix it."

I shook my head as I took my hand from him. I look at his eyes and without blinking I said...

"I need that annulment."