

Super Yannah: The Nerdy Heroine (Chapter 3)

They all said, even if how much ugly your face is , there may be a man who'll accept you and love you with all his heart...

And in the part of this story, I'm pretty sure Zacky is the only one!!!

Not that I'm assuming but the way he looked at me, it feels like we are mutual!!! AAHHH I'm dying!!!!

{Hey hey hey!!! Stop that nonsense Yannah!!! He don't really like you!!!}

Oh no no!!! You know myy mind is antagonist so don't listen to her!!! I'm not always dreaming so don't be kill joy, mind!!!

{She can't like you back!!! Because what he like is a girl with beautiful body and beautiful face!!! Ànd you??? You're proud of what??? Your ugliness??? Wake up, Yannah!!! He's tricking you up!!!)

Huhmmm... I don't know what's with you!!! I believe Zacky love me the way I loved him!!!

I'm here at school's cafeteria, as usual, lonely eating... I'd better be alone than be with those black-hearted people!!!

While chewing, I spotted Zacky and his group walking towards me...

I supposed, they will come into me but they only walk beside my table and continue walking...

"Oh wait!!! She's your girlfriend, right??? Why don't you eatting together???" I heard Zacky's friend, George said that...

"Damn it, she's not my girlfriend!!! Bullshit!!! Let's go!!! Stop that nonsense!!!" Zacky's irritated voice covered the whole cafeteria...

"Hahaha!!! Her witch girlfriend!!! Hahaha!!!" their laughter before they totally went out...

That was embarassing, of course!!!

I prepared for that, and I also accepted that!!! But in a little piece of my heart, I believed that he loved me (As a friend!!!)

But even if people treating me that bad, i don't get angry nor feel low about myself!!!

Why do I have to feel low??? It's me who chooses my own destiny!!!... All I know is I have nothing do anything bad at them!!!

I knew to myself that someday, I can't disappear from people's thoughts especially those who is bullying me... And my own story will pass down from generation to generation until my story becomes a story that no one will believe hundred years from now...

That day, we have a test!!! It's only me who got perfect score despite the 1 to 100 difficult questions!!!

My classmates admired me, but that was only temporary!!! It will soon fade away and will change into irritation because of my ugly appearance!!!

I'm not granted with beauty but I catched intelligency!!!

Of course, that's me... I'm special you know!!!...

After that, the next subject is lecturing!!! My hands got tired on a long long writings on the blackboard that can't be done in just a short time!!! Because of that, no one in our class finished the writings when the bell rang!!!

They hurriedly put their things on their bags and ran out of the door like a bird freeing on a cage, not wishing to return!!!

Before I go to our next subject, I went out of school to buy important things on our project in a school supply store...

It's near the gate of school so it's easy!!! We have a 10 minutes free time before entering the next subject...

When I am already there, the store is full of students... It's the only school supply store here so no choice, and also there supplies are complete so worth it for students!!!

I can't be able to enter because the door was full of big students!!!... So I decided to wait...

Suddenly, someone went out from another door of the store so my eyes went there!!!

The one comes out is Yago, he's also my friend but we're not on the same school so we're not totally close friend and we don't usually meet...

Yeah he's handsome, tall, beautiful brown eyes and, of course, kind...

He feels I'm looking at him so he stared at where am I... He smiled when he saw me and starting nearing me...

"Hi Yannah!!!" he greeted... "Can't move in???"

I nodded and smiled..."It's okay... I'm not totally in a hurry!!!" I answered...

"Don't worry I'll give you what you want!!!... Is it okay???"

I shooked my head... "My classmates will be angry for sure, it's unfair!!!" I protested but she held my hand and pulled me to the door where he comes out before...

I tried my best to lose his hold on my hand... "Let's go!!! Don't worry about your classmates"

He held my hand again and we stopped on the door... He turned to me... "What do you wanna buy???"

"Uhmm 15 neon color blue, yellow green, red and pink... one glue and 3 glitters with a color of red,geeen and blue" I answered...

"Okay noted... Stay there!!!" he said as he entered the door...

I wait for a moment and I heared the chattering of my schoolmates...

>>She's ugly so there's nothing special between them...

>>She's yuck being with a handsome...

I just ignored them like what I usually do...

Yago came out of the door carrying the things I've said... "Here it is... It's free, no need to pay me that!!! We're not always seeing each other so let me give that to you" he said and gave me those things...

"No no... I can pay for that, I have my own money... It's shameful!!!" I said while getting the money on my wallet at give it to him but he don't get...

"I said there's no need... Just keep it!!!" he said refusing my payment...

I rolled my eyes and gave up!!! I know Yago, if he don't want that thing, he won't get it...

"Ok ... thanks for your kindness... By the way, you don't have studies???" I asked...

"Lac session of our teachers so don't have today!!!"he answered...

I nodded... "Okay, I won't stay for long... I wanna talk to you more but we have a next subject... Thanks for this!!!"

"It's just a small thing... Till we meet again" he said and smiled...

I smiled too...

"Ahaa...Brother is flirting Sister Yannah!!!" shouted her little sister on my back...

I turned to her... "Hi Lea, chubbying huh???" I greeted and touched her face...

"Hi Yannah... it's because it' s fun to eat" she answered while smiling... "I will go inside, brother!!!"

"Okay... the plates are waiting for you on the kitchen!!!" said Yago

Lea's happy expression changed..."It's me again??? It's always me!!!" she shouted and walked towards the door...

Yago and me both smiled... Rhat scenario is not new to me that's why I'm not surprised... It's always her line but in the end, she still washed the plates...

I bid goodbye to Yago and go back to school...

From author:

Hi dear!!!... this is the last update for today... don't worry, I'll continue it tomorrow... As for now, I will proceed to my studies...
Hope you enjoyed reading...
Thank you so much😚😚💕💕

See you tomorrow...
© Jhulz