

Empire Games: Recruit 200 (Chapter 1)
John woke up. Sad. Depressed. He looked over, his wife was asleep. He lookes over out the window, flags were waving in the air. He looked away and woke Jordan, his wife, up. She saw his face and hugged him. They got out of bed and got dressed. Jordan went downstairs and fixed breakfast for him and their daughter.

Jordan and Ellinorre waited for John to come down.
"The games starts," he paused. "Today." He finally came down, he sat down. He smiled at Ellinorre. Jordan placed his plate in front of him, they started eating. After an hour John stood up and put his plate in the sink. Jordan took Ellinorre's plate and placed it on the counter,
"Go watch TV, Sweety." Said Jordan.
"Yes, Mommy." Replied Ellinorre running to the TV. Jordan wiped her cheeks, she curled her lips and teared up. They hugged each other tightly for a long time. An alarm went off. John kissed Jordan on the lips. He went to hug Ellinorre before leaving.
"I love you, be good for Mommy, ok?" John said.
"Yes, Daddy!" Ellinorre said cheerfully.

John left. Jordan covered her mouth as she saw John leave for the Empire Games. Ellinorre saw her cry, she started crying.

John met up with Jack and Fong. They stood in a crowd of men, with their swords and shields ready. John, Jack, and Fong were one of the few with powers.
"Welcome to the 300th Empire Games!" Yelled the announcer. "Y'all will be divided, fighting for 20 empires still on Earth. Spread around the Earth you will be placed, with a tattoo of your empire on your chest, shoulder, or hand. If you want to be on your friends side, I suggest you just forget about it!"
"Nice to meet you John. Jack." Commented Fong walking off. They stared at him leaving.
"The games starts in five seconds!" Yelled the announcer. John and Jack shook hands, they hugged each other before the beam picked the whole group up.

Fong was placed in the Zonn Empire, one of the biggest and strongest empires.
"Oh, this'll be fun," commented Fong smiling.
John and Jack were placed in the same empire, Humanities Protectors. They looked at each other,
"Our biggest concern is Fong." Jack nodded his head. Eight more people appeared next to them. Everyone looked at one another.

Jordan went over to Maxiny's house with Ellinorre. They watched the games together. Watching Jack and John walk around.
"Did you apply for the Giving?" Jordan asked.
"Yeah," answered Maxiny, "they should get their armor inn the morning."

John and Jack looked around, on high alert. Watching each others back. Zonn Empire and Humanities Protectors Empire share a border with the most military activity. Its dangerous going there, but that's the only way to get to the other side, into the other empires.

"I think its time for Zonn's 100th victory!" Cheered Fong, putting his fist in the air. Everyone cheered and spread out.

"Humanity needs their 5th win!" stated John.
"Yeah!" Jack agreed.