

can i love you
Ashley he called out. i stopped for a minute and starting questioning myself is that Jaden P the hottest muslim guy in the school, the guy i always had a crush on ..that cant be why would he call my name he hardly even knows me let alone greet me... he must be calling someone else , i started walking and he called out to me again this time he called out using both my name and surname Ashley Winston i shivered, my mouth was dry, i was feeling very cold and i stopped walking and looked around. I saw him standing with Bapanzel the most mean girl in the school right next to Mr Hendrik's chemistry class ...She was wearing one of her short skirts with heels and a very disgusting top. I walked over while swallowing Saliva like i never did before. I stood right in front of him and Asked Hi you called me ?
yes i did you are looking incredibly happy and beautiful today he said.
i smiled and thanked him and headed to class he looked very dissapointed and i was too with myself..