

The lighthouse
She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left...And her past start moving in front of her as film.
She, with her friends , waited a lot to come here, in this lighthouse. The main motive to come here is only that is, from the last few years, the dream of this lighthouse regularly come into her mind, especially then when she is struggling with her sleep. As if the lighthouse call her to visit that place.
And then one day, she decided to go there and went to her parents for their permission. But alas! the proposal was just rejected as she completed her talk. They strictly warned her that the light house completed its centenary and to visit that place is too dangerous as the maintenance is not too good as it required. But the charm of that place never left her alone. She dazzled herself completely and want to visit that place at any cost.
So she planned a picnic with her friends and they decided today's date. She tried to remember as in the morning she was very excited for her trip. She called everyone to meet at the deck, sharply at 8 AM in the morning. She already arranged everything in her school bag, which she thought she will needed there at the light house. She was quite excited.
The group is hardly of 2-3 girls, including her. But everyone is hard at their core, so they believe that they are enough good to manage every thing right there. She informed her parents that she is going to visit her friend's house for group study and will arrive till 7 PM in the evening.
After gathering at the deck, they took a small ferry at reached to the lighthouse. Wow! what a moment it was. She was just 10 when she first saw that lighthouse from the shore and started to dream to visit that whenever is possible. And now the day arrived, when she reached her dream destination. It was 10 in the morning, few hours they clicked some photos over there, they roamed from outside here and there, played there. The gate was locked, the first thing they noticed about that lighthouse is that only. Few hours when gets passed, now she is wondering that nobody still arrived here to open that gate. Is no one is there, on this lighthouse or what happened why nobody comes and open the gate. After few minutes, struggling with her mind, she prepared herself to break that lock and take entry in that lighthouse. One of her friend, managed to open the gate and they entered the dark lighthouse with the torches which they brought with themselves. It was 2 in the afternoon.
But the weather staring to get changed into a windy afternoon. But they are too overwhelmed that they even did not noticed the sudden change in the surrounding. When they reached at the top of the light house, they gets overfilled with joy to see the scenic beauty from the top of the lighthouse.
It is one of the best moment of her life that she was very fond off. They started to capture this moment in their minds and their cameras.
But one of the mistake committed by her is going to change her life. She slipped from the boundary, when she try to take a selfie. Every one screamed when she fell off from the height. She felled on a small tree which was just above the roaring water. And due to her weight the fragile branch is also started to gets detached from the tree itself and hanged on the water, which threatened to drag her away. It is around 4 PM, and she thought that no one now going to help her. Is this is her last moment?
And then she realized that may be this is her result of sin that she cheated her parents, may be for that she is now going to pay for it. One last tome, she remembered her all the best times which she all have with her parents.
She asked for help to God that if she is rescued this time, she will always tell truth to her parents and will not defy any of the orders given by them.
After the next very moment she is get touched by a rope and started listening the yelling of her friends to held the rope tighter as they are ready to pull her out of that swirling water.
She was lit by this very thought as now she got some hope for her life as some few minutes ago there was no hope left with her.Her friends tried harder to pull her up and now she is between her friends again. They gazed their watches as it is 6PM and this is the time for returning to home with a lot of experiences and dare to make all truths to uphold. This experience of her is now going to change her life for ever....