

My Forgotten Baby
A scene unfolded before me, I stood very near to a young man, reached out and touched his hair while speaking to him. However, he did not look at me instead with his head turned sideways. He smiled the broadest grin. There was an aura about him, he was exceptionally happy to be with me. I awakened, it was all a dream which left so many unanswered questions. Who is he? Why was I touching his hair and standing so near to him? He on the other hand seemed so filled with delight to be there. My intuition went into over drive with a warning alert. Glancing over at the clock on my night stand. It was 7 a.m. and I was late for an appointment. Reality set in, the setting of the dream was actually in the vacinity of my appiintment. I kept asking the LORD to reveal the identity of the young man and prayed about my behavior. Later that day, my body became exhausted and my physical strength began to diminish. Therfore I sat on my bed, while praying to the LORD to impart His strength. The unthinkable ocurred, the young man appeared there. This time, he positioned himself so I could lean on him. I was flabbergasted. His expression, priceless and smiling as he looked at me sideways. My response to this scene, while fully awake was curiosity. With child like faith, questioned God, then quietly prayed for clarity on my unseemly behaviour...Who is he O LORD?

To be continued...

© Margaret C. Mullings