

I am a twenty, male.

Actually not an embarrassing, but this is a sad one.

I'd a girlfriend and would've been better if I hadn't! After a couple of months this quarantine period, we had stopped calling each other, even we didn't text when we're free. Maybe the long distance taught us to be patient and not to invade each other's personal space. I didn't know this would take a wrong turn.

So after 7 long months of silence, she finally had her reasons to unlove me. I'd got problems with the situation with my Engineering exams nearing. I was too stressed, I don't know what a real depression thing is, but I was going through hell to say! I just wanted to have a talk with my friends but they weren't my friends anymore.

They hated me whenever I used to be with Her. I had options then, and I chose Her. She really needed me since she was going through her first breakup and also, she was my first Love!

However, I respected her decison and am trying to move on now. Exams' about to start and I can't study. I'm so lonely and barely got my appetite. Is this how it's supposed to end? I was ready and planned from the start if this relationship wont work for me as she was the first one for me. But this is not what I expected.

I've no choices left now. I feel better when I mastrubate. I can focus on study just about an hour but I do study. I changed my masturbation course from twice a week to 5 times a day! I regret my choice. I was going all fine without love before my relationship started, but now I can't. I'm used to that toxic thing now.

Anyways, Thanks to you, the one who is reading a small chapter of my story now. Atleast you've been a good listener(Reader)!
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