

No Bail. Prolouge.
"I have a meeting tonight and tomorrow morning. I'll sleep in the office."

"Don't wait for me tonight. I have a business trip tonight."

"I'll just sleep for tonight. I don't have an appetite."

"I need to go. Today's meeting is 7 am sharp."

"Don't cook dinner tonight. My cousin Jack came back."

"Zero needs me. Don't wait for me."

"Gan called me."

"Mary wants to see me."

"I'm with Wei."

"Zirry's in trouble."

"Chadd got into something."

"I'm with Nia and Lena. Don't bother me."

I smiled.

"Okay. Take care."

That's all I can say. Her excuses. Her reasons just to run away from me. It's okay. I love her. All I need to do- all I CAN do is to support her and let her do everything she wants. It's okay. Love is always like that. Love busted me like that. As if I've got nothing to do about it. As if I've got no bail. I can't escape nor hide. All I can do is to smile to her, serve her and be with her always. Even though she didn't feel the same way.

"It's been 10 years, Maver. Are you both doing okay?" I snapped back to reality when Chairman Cisco called me.

"U-Uh, yeah. We're still good." I showed him my most convincing smile to assure him.

He nodded. As if he really believed me.

Or so I thought.

He handed me an envelope. My hands are trembling as if it is something that can make my heart stop. I don't know but it feels like I don't want to see what's inside.

"Annulment papers."

I instantly dropped the envelope and looked at the Chairman.

"May I know the reasons... Chairman?"

He smiled at me as he leaned closer to me.

"I'm sure you know the reasons, Mr. Klahn."

My lips quiver and I can feel my face getting pale. My feet are sweating and I can't stop looking at my sides. I'm anxious. I'm anxious about being free, again.


"You deserved it, Maver. My grand daughter never looked at you the way you look at her, am I right?"

I slightly bit my lip to stop feeling nervous. It didn't help though.

"I know eveerything, Maver. I made a promise that I will protect you, at all cost. Your uncle never wanted that but he trusted me. I guess, humans made mistakes sometimes, right?"

I clenched my jaw to stop myself. I might blurt something that I'll regret someday.

Chairman then walked towards me and sat across me. I looked at the floor to avoid eye contact. It's awkward.

"Look, I forced you to marry my grand daughter. You have to rights to file an annulment and just forget everything."

Forget everything? Forget the happiest 10 years of my life? How?

"I'm sorry, I can't-"

"Please, Maver. I'm begging you. This marriage will ruin the both of you."

He has a point. But that doesn't mean I'll accept it. I know it from the very first place. I know that she'll just use me to be in the top. She'll just ignore me. She'll ruin every piece of me.

I stood up and was ready to get out of that bloody office when a woman walked in. She's a real beauty that caught my attention.

"File it."

At that time, my knees felt weak. She's really rude. A bad girl. I don't even know why I'm inlove with her. She just...rejected me. Yet I felt so happy to see her.



I'm really sorry for deleting the other chapters. It seems like I wrote the wrong point of view for this story which makes it harder to understand. I also want to apologize for my writing. I'm not really good at this but I'm still trying. On thr other hand, I'll be posting the other prolouges for the other stories. No Bail is supposedly the 10th book (??) of the series and as you can see, I'm a really lazy writer and I'm still improving. Please bear with me. Thank you for reading! Keep safe everyone!