

I wanted out.
Chapter 4
Where am I? My passport and bank book ,yes! I remember now there gone I have to find them I need to get out of this place. Was trying to get my composer back by taken in deep breaths in and out, ok I'm feeling much better, before I go on my scavenger hunt let me have something to eat I remember that the maid Mary had brought me something, let me consume it as quickly and then I will head to his master bedroom I strictly remember when Senior was telling me about each section I had glimpse him entered into that room. Had to be quick about it I had to go in without being seen retrieve my books and get the hell out of here. The coast was cleared I slipped into the room but the room was vacant and the windows closed shut the silent layed still looking to find some clue even a weapon to use against the man that brought fear into me I saw a cupboard I went over it but it was closed I tried forcing it open. Then I noticed a table at the corner of the room I went over there and started to search through it but found nothing, I decided to leave and come tomorrow has I was about to turn I saw a shadow at the door he found me searching in his room I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned and saw him, all I did was stare at him and the anger that emminated from his eyes told me that I had messed up this time. "What the fuck are you doing in my room what the hell are you searching for." He was furious as he roar the words, he wasn't going to stand there acting like he didn't know what I was looking for.
"my God damn passport and Bank book that you stole out of my backpack it doesn't belong to you their mines give them back." He step closer and I step backward as I swallow my spit hard."you simply forget that you belong to me now Laura I paid a hefty sum of money for you and what I decide to do with you is up to me. You will not speak back to me, you will not be disrespectful, you will be submissive you're here to serve my needs and for your insults and intrusion and your lies about being a virgin I'm going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget and after tonight you will know your place and your place will be my whore, to my beck and call to do as I please whenever I want without questions and if I feel like listening to you or ask you for your opinion I will ask you, which your opinion doesn't matter you mean nothing to me but a business transaction and once my business is complete and I feel like I have no more use for you then and there I will decide what to do with you next.What was he planning on doing to me! "I did not lie to you I am a virgin I never had sex for all those years with any of my clients there just old men who wanted company who wanted security and I provide them with that I listen to them I comfort them I show them love and passion and in return they didn't touch me they paid me for my kindness and they asked me to keep it as a secret because they were breaching the contract and I never told Raul about it I wanted his conscience to be his enemy. I will not be your whore or anyone elses." I taught he would be glad about the truth but it made him even angrier he told me he called Raul and he guaranteed that I wasn't. He closed the door behind him I notice he was taking off his shirt pulled out his belt and pulled his pants off. Fear struck me, this wasn't about to happen to me!, he never took his eyes off me and I was looking for somewhere to hide has I was about to run he grab me so hard I screamed but he slap me across the face. He push me on the bed but I was fighting so hard he ripped the dress off my body and tore my panty off me his eyes were broaden his breathing became heavy when my body was expose to him. I was trying to stay calm but I couldn't, my first time couldn't be like this!. He pulled out his cock and it was huge I'm going to die.
How dear she play innocent with me her body is so beautiful her tears don't frightened me I will not be moved by her crocodile tears. Her legs so beautiful. I had my hands around her neck pinning her to the bed I force her those stunning legs apart and drive my manhood hard into her I felt a barrier but it couldn't be what I taught it to be so I kept on pushing, caressing. My body never felt such pleasure. I fucked her good but she was silent under my touch I got up and saw blood all over me. What the fuck did I just do,? Can't be she was telling the truth, I raped her a goddam! virgin. Mary and Senior ran into the room they were shocked at the sight infront of them. Mary grasp for breath at the sight of the young lady on the bed lifeless. Mary was once a nurse so she decides to check to see if she was alive.
"She's alive Alexander get out, you need to call Doctor Brown she's bleeding alot." Mary yelled, the look she gave me I would never forget.

Chapter 5
The doctor came out of the room he looked at me as if I was an animal but he knew better than to keep his opinon to himself. " She will be ok but you should know that most of the damage was because she was a virgin, and she was in shocked her body going to need lot of time to heal and here's the medication you need to get for her, I'll do my best; I need to take my leave, I will see myself out."
He didn't even looked at me the entire time, I've never felt ashame of myself until now, how could this be, why, didn't I believe her?, when she insisted on being a virgin. How am I going to make this up to her. There's no excuse for my action I felt angry and I took it out on her, she made me feel things that I've never known was possible. It's been a year since I had my eyes on her, every prostitute envy her. Men were in love with her and she made my blood run cold I taught to myself that no woman should be so beautiful, the mere taught of another man touching her made me sick to the core, angry and frustrated I wanted her for myself and look what I did, ravish a innocent. How the hell am I suppose to over come this guilt that I'm feeling. This will scar her for life, I taught she was pretending like everybody else to be untouched but she actually was.
Laura! Laura....I was dreaming that my father found me in an alley by myself crying because I had ran away from home. Then a very handsome man found me, gave me food to eat and shelter and then turn me into a prostitutes then the dream shifted into a mansion with a very, very sinister man that made my blood run cold but yes, I was terrified of him at the same time and then it all came back to me I was fighting for my life he raped me, how would I ever get over this trauma. I kept running and running and I felt so cold, terrified and lonely in the darkness, I felt my breath escaping from my body I didn't know what to do where to turn and I felt the tears flowing from my eyes. My eyes burned like volcano I was angry, I was bitter, I wanted death to come and take me and then my eyes were open and I saw him standing beside me . What I saw was pain, a tortured soul standing beside my bed staring at me with eyes of regret I did nothing but turn my head away and started to cry. He reach out to me but I flinch his hands burn and the anger inside me grew and I hated this man for what he did to me, he ruined me. " Get out! Get out ! Get out don't come near me I hate you." That's all came out of me I was in too much pain. He didn't moved the room became so quiet I could hear the tree branches knocking against the window panel I felt the cold breeze upon my face I could see his reflection on the wall and I heard his cry, I saw his tears when he fell to ground on his knees holding a gun to his head. What the hell was he doing he couldn't be crazy has to kill himself. I was angry at him but I didn't want him to die he did after all take me from under Raul wings and I wanted out. The circumstances in which I came here wasn't what I wanted but I didnt want him to die, if he kill himself I would be free and it served him right, never the less I couldn't let him do it.
" Do you think killing yourself is going to make me a virgin again or make this go away it won't, plus you have my passport and bankbook I'm going to need it. I kept being a virgin all those years. Raul like virgin I found that out the first night he found me I wasn't stupid so I lied to him about having sex before with more than one boys he lost his interest, my first client was a man called Sammy he just wanted to talk he was married, he was very kind to me, he saw through my pain and we became friends instead, he's the one who set me up on all my clients that never touch me, all rich men who just wanted to talk, they only asked for me hence I made lot of money. They lied for me those men, Charles, Bradford, Glenfiddich, Smith and Roman all my client. Never knew my first time would be this way but it happened you can't take it back we all keep secrets we all have disappointment in my life, if you want to atone for your sins, let me go." He looked at me and then place the gun on the floor the only thing I heard was, " When I first saw you was at the shopping mall and I taught of you as my wife, I was acting crazy a man like me don't deserve love I'm ruthless and my money is my life, I saw Raul came and held you around the waste and a bitterness caked I lied and manipulated even killed and I didn't ask question but I changed my life because I wanted to be a better man but you brought stirred something within me that I never knew was possible, I couldn't stop thinking about you. This is something that I would never forget I will never forgive myself for doing." I was speechless to hear all that he had said even thou he hurt me he saved me A well from someone even crueler I knew who he was talking about I witnessed him murder a whore and the eye he gave me that night I had nightmares for two months. I would probably be dead by now if he had bought me he told me whenever he got his hands on me he was going to make me beg for mercy I cried so hard to Raul about the man that day. Stanley wasn't my client but he would help me if I ask so at least I can do is get him the property. Then I said, " I will help you get the property... by the way Stanley isn't my client, but his cousin Charles is but I will asked him to help convince his friend for you under one condition." He looked at me and then asked," what's that." Then I replied, that you let me go and give back my belongings that you took, that's and I won't hold what you did to me against you." The worse apart about this was that what he did was very cruel no woman should ever go through something this hurtful but my dad was a God fearing man so I hold no grudge but I won't forget. He agreed to my terms but I saw disappointed in his eyes.

to be continued
© Keryiann Mcneil