

My first love is a serial killer part 18
We went to the orphanage when Luci and I got back home. Luci was in the car singing sounding very excited. Matt was smiling so much that he felt like the sun. He was shinning so bright. I was just worried about how all this was going to turn out. We got to the orphanage. A women came to the door to meet with us. Looked like Matt told her that we where coming. We parked the car and went to the main office. "Good morning. I will show you around the orphanage and then you guys can pick the child you want." The woman said. "Ok." We all agreed. The woman took us all around the orphanage but the children looked like they didn't have any life in them. She took us to a room with babys who where 1 month or older. I saw the child the jury gave Matt again. Luci noticed him too. "Who is that?" Luci asked. "His name is James. He is only a few months old." The woman said looking at the baby looking sad. "I want him to be my brother!" Luci said jumping. "I'm fine with that." Matt said looking at the baby with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen from him. I gave in and said "fine we will take him." We did the paper and took the baby home. Matt had gave his room up for the baby. When we got home his room was already ready for the baby. Luci was tiered after a long day. She went to sleep in her room. The baby was already asleep so Matt and I went to talk in the kitchen. "I followed you on your birthday." I said to Matt feeling guilty. "I know you did." Matt said holding my hand. I took a deep breath. "Matt please tell me what's going on." I begged. Matt looked out the window and looked back at me. "Fine but you must keep this between us." Matt said sitting down. "Ok I will." I said sitting closer to Matt. Luci came down stairs but she hide so we wouldn't see her. I noticed but I thought she should now to in case something would happen to us. It looked like Matt noticed too but he let her hear.

© the unknown