

Mystery amidst the woods (part1)

The streetlights were dim as the mist and fog enclosed it in the mysterious grip. I peered out of my window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it my imagination?
I am Rekha. It was the winter of 2005. I was newly married to Ramesh, a doctor in the Army who got transferred to hills in the north. I was very excited to witness the beauty and peace of the hills.

We reached our house provided by the Army quarter. The house was beautifully located amidst the woods dominated by mahogany, ebony, and bamboo. I was ecstatic as I loved hills and snow. It was my dream to stay in a hilly area.
We started living there happily. Ramesh was busy with his work, I started managing the house. We both were happy and enjoying our honeymoon period after marriage.

But there was one thing which seemed to be mysterious. Every night when Ramesh was asleep I used to sit and stare outside my window. There was a hill point located beside a forest. The hills that lie friendly in the day like the pillows are darkly ominous by night. The paths that were illuminated just hours before, were lost in the darkness that even moonlight cannot penetrate. There was something about the hill point which used to allure me. It seemed that the place was beckoning me to visit.

Many days passed like that and my inquisition continues.Every night I kept on staring the point, I really don't know what attracted me.
One day I decided to visit that place in the day time when Ramesh would be at the hospital. I winded up all the household chores and started walking through the path. That day weather was not usual as if nature seemed to indicate me not to proceed, but I was adamant to visit the mysterious point.

The path was overgrown with weeds and grasses. I was walking, clearing it with my hand. After an arduous journey, I reached the point high up the mountainside. The place seemed to be enchanting. There was a waterfall. The sound of water was creating a pleasing rhythm. The chirping of birds was fascinating. The golden beam was radiating all around just like rays from the heavenly bodies. It was really hard to believe that the same place looks dreadful at night.
As dusk was approaching, so I decided to leave for home. When, I  turned back I saw a beautiful diamond ring lying on the ground. I thought any one might be there, I started searching for the person,but was unable to get anyone.The ring was exceptionally beautiful with one large stone sits at the center of the band while the rest of the band was covered by many small stones. I think I was hypnotized by the beauty of the ring so I picked it up and reached home.
After, having dinner I went to sleep. Suddenly I felt my bed was shaking. I was not sure if I was breathing. I was feeling claustrophobic, as I felt I was choked by an unknown force. I saw a lady grinning at me. I screamed on top of my voice and woke up. Ramesh consoled me that it was a bad dream.
From that very day, I started being depressed and ill. With passing days my condition was getting worse. Every night I used to see some dreadful dreams. We visited many doctors but nobody was able to get the reason of my plight.
After some days I was feeling quite better, so I prepared delicious food and decorated the house to rejuvenate our love. Ramesh returned from the hospital. We had our dinner and went to our bedroom.As soon as I tried to get intimate with Ramesh, he pushed me and ran away. I was bamboozled and was dis-hearten by his behavior.
The next day I asked Ramesh about his rude behavior. He unraveled the reality of that night from which I was unaware.
He told me that as soon as we entered the bedroom, I grabbed him and started kissing him passionately. Ongoing further I started undressing and caressing him like an insane person.
Ramesh was also carried away by the adrenaline rush. To his amazement suddenly my eyes were red, my voice seemed different, I was mad at him. In addition to all these, I was trying to strangulate him. He asked me to leave him, but I was reluctant. Suddenly he pushed me with all force, with a sudden jerk, I fall on the other side of the bed.
Ramesh was terrified and spent the whole night on the veranda, away from me.
On hearing this I was also shocked because I was not able to remember a bit of this incident.
To my amazement, Ramesh asked me ‘why I called him duggu in a strange voice?’ about which I had no idea.
To be continued!


© Shwetasingh29