

Get your crown on

How many of you are working tirelessly to be crowned. What kind of crown do you want for your self and your family.
The bible urge us in Proverbs 4:9 to get wisdom, for it crowns our heads with crown of glory. How many of us opt for wisdom? And in Proverbs 10:6, the Bible tells us that Blessings crowns the righteous head; if you are wicked in any way, even if people bless you with pure words of blessings, this will never crown your head.

Proverbs 12:4 says that an excellent wife, a woman of virtue is the crown of her husband. How many of you female folks crown your husband's head. Are you the kind of woman who inspires other women to be noble? Does your husband move with his head up with your noble crown or moves with fear, with his head down?
Husbands, did you know that you are the crown of your family? Are your children and family members respected because of your nobility as the head of your family? (To be continued)
© Geoffrey K