

Contemplation Between Friends
"Do you ever wonder what love is like Jen?"

"Sometimes. When I feel alone. Or when I see couples in public. You know, just doing their couple things. Why do you ask?"

"I dunno. It's been on my mind. I started thinking about all the relationships I've been in, and you know what, I realized they never loved me. They may have put up a front and acted like they did. But they didn't. I know they didn't."

"I know it's hard but maybe you should get out more, you know? Maybe the right one is just waiting out there right now."

"Please, don't. You don't have to lie. I know my case is hopeless. My exes all never cared about me and all the girls I've gone up to after just didn't really feel the same. Ive accepted it. I know I'll be alone until the day I die."

"Don't say that. You'll find some eventually. Everyone goes the a drought every now and then. Just be positive and keep trying and looking. I know you can find someone."

"Maybe. I dunno."

"Well I do. She'll probably come sooner than you think."

"Thanks Jen. Your a good friend. You always have my back and looking out for me. Maybe I will find someone. If God is willing."