

No More Job For You
It’s 4:45 AM, & it’s time for Alston to get up
for work, so he turns on the snooze button, &
then oversleeps 2 more hours because he has
been 5 days sleep deprived.
Then, he wakes up, shocked & gets dressed.
After that, he skips his usual morning shower &
breakfast, & calls an Uber to come & pick him
up, since he missed the bus, that, due to
COVID-19, runs every 2 hours. The Uber ends
up being ANOTHER hour late, & he calls his
job, explaining what happened.
His manager, Tyra answers the phone & then
yells at him, berating him, telling him that
there’s NO excuse for his tardiness & then
reminds him of the Bible scripture…
1 Timothy 5:8 KJV. But if any provide not for
his own, and specially for those of his own
house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse
than an infidel.
After that, she tells Alston that he has ONE
MORE TIME to be late for work, & tells him
that he’s 1of the most important assets to
Greenie’s Cafe’. Alston works part-time & is
NOT ALLOWED to make over a certain
amount of money because he’s disabled & gets
SSI & Social Security. He suffers man-made ADHD & a few other mental “disorders” like
“schizophrenia” & “bipolar”. But of course,
those are just LABELS.
You see? Alston has 2 kids to take care of, &
he’s on child support by his druggie, alcoholic
narc ex-girlfriend, Selma. Then he has to put up
with his narcissistic fake hypo-Christian
manager, Tyra. Always quoting the Bible &
using it to manipulate people.
Also, Alston is a Targeted Individual, being
Gang Stalked, & Tyra & Selma are also Gang Stalking Perps. So is the Uber driver that was
After Alston got off the phone with Tyra, his
Uber driver, Dalbert, comes to pick him up in a
white Mazda 3, arriving with 1 headlight, &
wearing a red shirt & a black homemade
Coronavirus mask that says, “ALWAYS
WATCHING! LOL”. There’s NO music when
Dalbert arrives, but 5 minutes after Alston gets
in the car, & they have short chatter, Dalbert turns up the music REALLY loud, @ the
LOUDEST volume! Mid-conversation!
Then, Alston thinks in his head, “See? I KNEW
I never should’ve gotten in this car, but I need to
work, I have child support to pay, & I have to
survive, as well. I can’t afford to lose my only
job, knowing that no one will hire me anywhere
Then, Alston arrives to work, FINALLY, &
then gets out of the car, panicky, nervous &
rushed, but angry at the same time. He slammed the door, & then Dalbert got mad at him, got out
of the car & got in his face, saying, “Hey, man!
What you slammed my door for? What is it? Is
it my mask? Is it my car? Is it my 1 headlight?
What is it? What’s wrong with you, dude? You
better check yourself!” & then Alston tried to
take a picture, that didn’t work, & then tried to
video, that also didn’t work, because another
perp in a blue Chevy truck disabled Alston’s
phone. Then, Alston went inside & said, “F- it, I
can’t afford to be any more late than I already am! They’re holding me back, ON PURPOSE,
to set me up to get fired, FOR REAL!”
Then, Alston goes to get his temperature
checked, put on his mask that he doesn’t want to
wear (because he’s woke to the truth), & then
clocks in & gets to work. Here comes Tyra with
the religious lectures again. Here we go again!
Then, she said, “JUST go back home!” Alston
begged, “Please, Mrs. Tyra. You KNOW my
situation! You told me that if it happened ONE
MORE TIME!” Then she responded, “Look, young man! I do as I please, & I can control you
like a TOTAL puppet on the string, if I want
to.” She said it while throwing up the baphomet
devil horns hand sign.

Alston was shocked! Then, he put his head
down, walking out of the Cafe’, then took off
his mask & started crying. He knows he tried as
HARD as he could & as best as he can, but they
set poor Alston up, ON PURPOSE! He knows, & God knows that he’s be trying his best, & that
he cares about his 2 children Kayleigh &

© Candy Grandpre