

Every Family - part 1
Who says a family has no problems? every problem and violence of all families are familiar..
Scars of domestic violence last long that is true; smiles hide pain and fear that is true; anger covers love that is true but we can overcome this is supertrue but how?
As a believer in Christ Jesus we all rely on the Bible for all our problem that life throws on us and no wonder the Bible have living words they have lived even before us and we can find every solution treasured in this book. Family batter each other big fights start from small words that's because of 2 reasons one because the speaker spoke thoughtlessly, second the listener had no patience to think it over. But remember " A family doesn't need to be perfect, it needs to be united, forgiving, forgiveness heart.
Why who doesn't sin? who doesn't get angry? Every human does because we are all imperfect and that imperfectness made us all equal.
violence in family grows from the mind and heart you feel, you think, you say what you do is right, you know that you are really wrong but you don't wanna be the'loser' and that's the biggest cause,a family is not a competition nor a fight and shout in a race that you think is a 'winner'and a 'loser' but it is about 'right' and 'wrong'.accept your mistakes accept you are wrong and you are imperfect why hasn't God said husband and wife have one body, one flesh, one blood but you yourself differs it if a husband abuses his wife and trashes her, he is abusing himself and if a wife shouts at her husband and attacks him (with words) she is shouting at herself, attacking herself.

#Family solutions.
© Daffodils