

Kroenen's Oath
Life and death has no meaning to someone who has already been damned. I'm known for being cruel, and showing my cruelty has no bounds for there is no innocence. There are few I'm willing to even show mercy to but even then, I have my doubts about them. My reasons come from my past, and the hell I've endured for so long. Everyone has their breaking point, I met mine when I was a younger man. Before, I was soft to the world I was apart of. I had weakness, I had something that could be used as leverage over me. I was known for my intellectual capabilities, and my ingenuity. I was able to make money from the inventions, and repairs I made on machines. Good money, but it wasn't for me. I was 17, and I was taking care of my young sister who was only 13. Our parents passed away a few years before from a car accident. The accident left my sister with permanent nerve damage and affected her ability to walk. There was surgery that could fix it but it cost a small fortune to have it done. A noble reason, but even the most noble of people are punished for their success in life. I sometimes wonder if it was wrong of me to be making that money but I guess it doesn't matter because it's all said and done now. A man by the name of Johnson Monroe found out about the amount of money I was making with my business. Monroe was known for his dirty dealings and his absolute corruption with the business trade, but I'd never thought I would be a target. "Ah, Kroenen. It's just business. Just sign your assets over to me and your sister can go free and you can go back to your freeloading life." My last chance, the chance I fucked over because stubbornness. "Go fuck yourself Monroe, all you are good at is being a worthless piece of shit that can't earn a single penny without stealing it from those who worked to get where they are at. I fucking told you what the money was for. Just fuck off and give me my sister back." Words I grew to regret. My sister didn't last too longer after the conversation. They thought that I'd seal a deal with them if I saw them harm her but I didn't crack. I didn't even crack when they executed her in front of me. I only cracked after five months of constant torture. But it was my mind that snapped, not my will to give up that money. In the end, it didn't matter too much. I lost the soul reason why I saved my money. When I had finally snapped, I had tortured and publicly executed my captors. Then I hunted down the men who was responsible for everything. After killing all but Monroe, I was captured and put into a facility for the criminally insane. That's when I would be bailed out and employed by Herr Maximilian. That's when I would become Anna's protector. A couple years have passed, and I think I've grown soft around Anna. But I cannot show or even speak that emotion because I put her at risk. So I take this oath of silence, I take this oath to protect her from those who would hurt her to get to me. To those who harm Anna, I will see that their last minutes on earth will feel like an eternity in hell.

© theillusivewriter