

Pretty Misunderstandings... Part 7🥂
"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh !!!"

She woke up with the sound of hard knocks on her door. She found it was her assistant on inquiring. Her assistant sounded really worried. She opened the door and was going to ask her the reason behind knocking so hard, when all of a sudden He came into the picture.

He was standing right behind her assistant. She confusedly gave Sneha, her assistant, a questioning gaze. Sneha made a helpless face and claiming her innocence started to explain Aashi that she tried to call her many a times to inform beforehand. Sneha told Aashi pointing towards Rishab that He has been troubling and bugging her to meet Aashi since morning. Aashi calms Sneha down and sends her back to take rest and quoting that she will handle the matter. Once Sneha left, Rishab broke into her room and grabbed a seat on the couch.

“Just get out of my room, Rishab.”

“I’m not going anywhere Miss.Roy. Unless and until I get all my answers.”

“Okay then you keep sitting here. I’m leaving.”

“Yaa, right, you will again do what you are best at doing ‘LEAVE’. But Miss.Roy this time you are not going anywhere without answering my questions.” He made a run for the door and locked it.

She was angry as bull, as if, fire was emitting form her body. But he appeared angry too. His eyes as always spoke for him, that day those eyes were filled with anguish and pain. When they looked into each other’s eyes, the same pain, the same anger reflected. Their expression changed and he pulled her in his arms into a hug which reflected their pain, their suffering and mostly their love. She did not push him away. She rejoiced the feel of once again being in his arms, resting her head on his chest and feeling his touch.

All of a sudden, she pushed him away. His eyes were searching hers for answers.

“You shouldn’t have come here. Go away.” He was unable to understand her hesitancy, when she continued, “You are a married person now. You are a father now... Damn it....” On hearing this concern, he laughed and tried to get close to her but she stepped back further.

When she heard him explaining, “I’m not married. I came here to visit my cousin and the child was his son.”
Though She was relieved to hear his confession but then she turned away from him and then spoke something that shocked him even more.

“That doesn’t change anything Rishab. Nothing can change the fact that you cheated on me.”

He stood there in complete silence for a couple of minute or two trying to analyse the words that he heard and then spoke with a chocked voice.

“I cheated on you. You left me unanswered years ago. You stopped answering my mails, like what!!! 8 years ago." Frustration and anger reflecting in his voice.
"I’ve been searching for you like a crazy person. I sent you thousands of emails but each one of them got bounced. You diabled your email id to shut me out. I went to your house; they said you don’t want to talk to me. And that you warned them that If they gave me your details, you won’t keep in touch with them too. I waited for you to contact me all these years and tried searching or reaching you every way possible. The thought of you with someone else haunted me every single day. When today I saw you, I just couldn’t stop myself and then before I could say anything, you just vanished. I have been driving your assistant nuts to meet you for once. And I CHEATED on you!!! How can you even think that I can cheat you when you are the best thing that ever happened to me?” he collapsed on the floor right in front of her on his knees.

P.S . If he never cheated , then what exactly happened??? To know, stay tuned for the Finale episode of "PrettyMisunderstandings"

© Chestnut_writes❤️