

How did I shape myself?
#WritcoStoryPrompt51 #CovidStories

Okay, Definitely yes, rather than speaking about the flaws, let's always be positive (Not covid positive 😂) !
I personally learnt how people are actually, the hidden face of some, the real good face of some! It's been difficult even for me. Many of our close relatives left us from which we could not easily come over. But life has to move on, we cannot keep thinking on that.
What changed me in this pandemic!? I have changed a lot. I am shaping up myself, building my attitude, moulding me as a proper person. I started to look things in a more positive way, I'm now opened to a lot good habits, I've become more organized, I have learnt how to come out of the worst times. My relationship with my friends even if we were not meeting became more n more stronger!!❤️
I have started to live my life for a better cause as a better person! I am now able to dream with sense 😅 ! We all have been wrong at times and that is absolutely alright! Let's think on what to improve and this pandemic had taught me this!
I know it's not still over, but let's hope even if it's not gonna get over, let's stop holding the fear. We have vaccines, we have doctors, we have hospitals. Not all of us are gonna die definitely:)! So just follow the precautions and work with it.
My bond with the family had grown of course! We gotta enjoy the home time where all four of us in the busy world were able to spend time together, talk, laugh together:)!!❤️
So no more fears, no more backwalks !
Go forward with what you have🤍
© shepens