

the winsome handsome and silly me (2)
We sat on our places the next day, it was a Friday, which meant that we were supposed to make something out of our imagination and show it till monday for critiques from everyone. The teacher said "today's theme is, colour portrait"
It kinda doesn't work out for me, when art is demanded from me, and Because probably i've never been able to make what's in my head, when the teacher gives a sample to draw I make it with my best possible and get appreciated for that often...
But I still closed my eyes, and I saw-
Some red light in a closed space,
A girl, with silky-wet-straight hair and slender shoulders covered in those black as night hair, big intoxicating sleepy eyes, and she's just on the border of a pool, her hands crossed in a lewd manner and her chin rested atop of it, she's gazing so elegantly and those wet hair and small droplets of water over her makes it look sexier and somehow - so so bewitching that you would like to kiss those plump lips...
Just her hands and the face was enough to make me think how mind has an ability I never acknowledge..

But now comes the real problem, to bring that beautiful lady on paper was all it needed, the easiest and the most impossible task at the same time!
I didn't want people to look at my imagination and say, it could have been better, because I know the art on paper might not be pretty, but when it was in my head it couldn't have been better than anything i'll ever know.
I didn't want to spoil it's quality by colouring some paper...
So I sat at the window staring out of the space left by nick because I asked him to do that last time we talked.

Everyone was busy, so was I, except the fact that they were being productive and I was lost in my own null numb mind, trying to find an inspiration to draw or maybe just blankly staring into space.
I knew someone was keeping an eye on me, i could feel that powerful stare, and I turned my head and saw my teacher, she asked "ms. Kelly, I see your hands empty and your canvas empty, aren't you supposed to paint something??"
I said "ma'am I wish to draw, but I feel a sudden lack of inspiration, I can't imagine anything to paint right now!"
Her expression suddenly changed to somewhat worried one "oh dear, I feel that you are suffering an art block, you mustn't give up,you must try sitting with your friends and ask for some advice, feel free to shift your apparatus as you wish! And don't hold back if you need any help from me, ok honey?"
I nodded in agreement.

She is a sweet lady, easy to coax, and now I know she'll ask me to sit with someone or she simply won't let me sit blank! At that moment I couldn't think of anyone but Nicholas, I shifted my gear near to him, and said "could you please pretend i'm trying to get inspiration, I kinda have something in my mind but i'm afraid it's difficult for my level and might turn out to be a bit trashy, i'll find some good art from pinterest and make it later at home, please help me!!!"
His expression was giving away his feelings shouting"what do you think I am! I'm no common man here to talk with you or entertain you, i'm a god, don't you dare sit next to me!"
But instead he quickly changed it and said "sit down"
I was surprised, he said "why dont you believe in yourself? I know maybe you're not good at art but you gotta try!"
"But I don't wanna spoil the version of that art in my head!" I tried to control myself from shouting
"Is it so!, Then try improving your art to the extent you won't have to worry your imaginary version!!"he said
I was kinda angry, I asked what was he making
And he said "something like my favorite female singer and favorite actress,would you like to complete tho, I know your art might turn out as trash but I still wish to see what comes out of your head through your brushes!"
I felt as if he challenged my complete existence, I said "do you think you can win! The lecture finishes in 10 mins and this is probably the only lecture I have to attend today, so let's meet on monday and let the class compare our paintings"

I could see a little flame inside his eyes," I think that's a good idea!! Let's meet on monday in that case, i'll help you right now so you can make your painting at home"
For the remaining time we pretended to work hard and somehow I noticed the teacher smiling to herself seeing me work with him.

We waved eachother bye and I left for my home to finally make the painting!
© Weirdo