

house of white

"Hi my name is Thomas Williamson, when I was 12 in 1845 i Witnessed a great tragedy."
"Something so horrible that now after all These years I'm ready to tell you what happened.
The year was February 1st, 1845.
I was 12 at the time I remember helping my father out in the fields. The sun was bright and the air was warm, the sounds of birds could be heard Chirping.
Me my father and two brothers were working on the field as we did everyday for the white family.
We didn't mind because the whites were kind folk they always treated us with respect. On special days the whites would invite us to come to dinner and after a delicious feast.
My dad and mr. White would sit on the porch and talk for hours about fishing or things they have done in their childhood. You see the whites were not like any of the other plantations. they only bought slaves to give them a home away from all the bad people that would hurt or kill us.
I remember trying to sleep one night after dinner with the whites.
For some reason the air was thick that night and strang sounds were coming from the woods behind the Whites House. I got up and walked over to my dad. I woke him up and told him about the sounds. He just looked at me and said "don't worry about it, just go back to bed".
I walked back to my bed and got under the blankets but I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong.
In the morning when I woke up I ran outside and everything seemed normal.
I walked up to my dad and asked him if it would be ok if I went and asked mr.white something.
My dad said "sure just hurry back when your done, cause I could use the help".
So I ran over to the house to knock on the door. But mr.white was already outside fixing the porch.
I walked up to him and said " Excuse me mr.white may I ask you a question". He turned around with a big smile on his face."sure Thomas what can I help you with".
I asked him about the noise I heard last night he told me not to worry about it, but I was curious and I still had that feeling something was wrong.
Later that night after helping my dad we sat on are porch singing and playing are banjos.
We were having Such a good time that I stopped thinking about the noise I heard.
After I went to sleep I awoke to my brother's looking out the window. I got up and walked slowly towards them asking them very quietly what they were doing. They just said mommy is looking at us and wants to come in. I didn't understand cause our mom died 2 years ago. So I grabbed my brother's and took them back to bed. After they were in bed I walked over towards the window and saw nothing there.
As I started to walk back to my bed I felt a cold chill run up my spine. I turned around to see a ghostly figure sitting in the corner were the window was.
I couldn't believe my eyes it was a woman in white that almost looked like my mother. Her eyes were black and her clothes were torn. I screamed so loud that my dad woke up and ran towards me. Asking me what happened. I could barely talk I was so scared.
He sent me back to bed but for the rest of that night I couldn't sleep.
The next morning I was outside helping my dad in the fields. My heart was still racing and I couldn't shake the feeling that my dad and mr.white knew something about this.
As the day went on I prayed that I wouldn't see that thing again. I was so scared I could barely breathe. So I decided to go ask my dad about what I saw. As I looked for him I heard talking behind the whites house. I walked slowly so I wouldn't be heard I peaked over the Conner only to see my dad and mr. White talking . As I listened to them I heard them mentioned the thing I saw.
"Mr.white it sounds like it's back and its after my boy's".
"I understand Williamson it might take a few days but I promise we will end this for good this time"
My dad started to walk away so I turned around and hid behind some old Crates Next to the house.
I didn't want him to know I was there listening so when he was fully gone I ran back to the fields.
Later that night we were eating dinner with the whites it was quite and nobody was talking. I looked across the table to talk to mr. Whites daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth was my friend and we would play games sometimes after we finished eating.
I asked her if she wanted to play but she just stayed quiet and ate. I didn't understand why she didn't answer she always says something but tonight she was quite. So I turned to my dad and asked him why everyone was being quiet.
He just sat there not saying a word. I found it wired that no one was talking. I started to get a weird vibe around the room. And then I noticed I didn't remember walking into the house. I looked down and closed my eyes shaking my head trying to understand what's going on. I lifted my head up and when I opened my eyes everyone was gone. I stood up from my chair breathing heavy.
Sweat was rolling down my face. The room started to twist and turn and before I knew it. There she was the woman that looked like my mom looking right at me. I tried to runaway but as I ran I never left the same spot. I could hear her screaming so loud that my ears were hurting. Then before she grabbed me I woke up to my dad shaking me and telling me to wake up. mr.white was there also with a wet rag. My dad was so happy he started to cry when my eyes opened. I asked him what happened he just sat there holding me thanking God that I woke up.
Mr.white looked at me and said "you gave us Quite a scare my boy you were working with your dad when you collapsed on the ground are you ok".
I wanted to answer yes but I had to tell them what happened. After I told them my dad and mr. White looked scared.
But they knew what ever they were hiding from me I needed to know.
Later that night me my dad and mr.white were in the study room of mr.whites home . They began to tell me what was going on.
Ch.2 (The Dark Secret)
As I sat there mr.white started telling me a story of his great great grandfather who loved to collect books.
As I listened mr.white started to talk about a special book that his grandfather hunted for years on end. The book was said to be evil it contained spells going back to the first settlers of this land. Mr.white explained how the book was hidden until his grandfather found it. The book was described to be black with a skull in the middle.
Mr.white said he hid the book after the Incident when his sister became possessed. After they expelled the demon from his sister she died and his grandfather was paralyzed.
When he was done explaining I asked him what did this have to do with my mother. He explained that it wasn't my mother it was a demon known as lilith. She pretends to be someone you know or something harmless to catch and kill you. But her favorite trick is acting like a little girl sitting next to roads.
I started to get scared I could feel something was wrong as I sat there listening. I looked over towards the door and saw Elizabeth standing there with red eyes. I stood up and told my father and mr.white they turned around only to be thrown up against the wall. I Ask the monster "who are you"
But I got no reply just a sinister smile.
She walked away and as I went after her she disappeared.
I ran back to check on my father and mr.white. my dad was ok but mr.white was crying knowing that he lost his daughter.
I went up to him and grabbed his hand telling him that we will bring her back so stand proud and let's destroy this thing. He was scared but he believed in me.
So later that night we grabbed some guns and went out towards the dark woods behind the house.
As we wandered through the woods we came across torn pieces of clothing.
We followed the trail of ripped clothing witch lead us back to the house.
We were confused as we followed. it lead us to the door of the basement witch was located outside. My dad went in first then mr.white went as I followed behind. It was dark and cold my dad turned on a lantern so we could see.
As the light lit up the room we could see mr.whites daughter Elizabeth standing in the corner holding the book.
Mr.White yelled at Elizabeth telling her to fight and come back to him. But she just smiled and laughed.
She lifted her right hand in the air. And when she did we flew at the wall knocking the weapons out of our hands.
Then she started talking saying "lets have some fun".
Everything went black and I was in a room of the house some how. I looked around and nothing looked different.
I looked out the window and it was dark outside. I could see rain falling but there was a red cross in the distance.
I walked away from the window to head for the door. When I got there the door was locked. I turned around to look for something to open the door. As I searched the room I heard a squeak and a sound of something unlocking. I looked at the door and it was wide open. I walked slowly towards the door . As I did the room got colder and the smell of rotting flesh was in the air. I looked out the door and saw nothing but a dark hallway with flickering lights. I walked down the hallway as slow as I could. The closer I got to the end the more it would add on. The hallway would twist and turn the more I walked. Then out of no were the sounds of giggling and laughing could be heard getting louder and louder.
I was so scared but I knew that I had to get back so I pushed on. I finally made it out of the hallway. I ended up in the library of the house and everything was torn and burnt. I looked over to my left to see someone sitting in the chair . I asked them who they were . They looked at me and said in a quiet but faint voice. "Hi my names lilith it's so nice to meet you finally I bet you were told about me".
"Yes yes I was your the one who tried to kill me the other night".
" yes that was me but I'm not as bad as I'm put out to be".
" I'm just trying to have fun the real evil you should worry about is the one who sent you here".
"So you know who that thing is cause we all thought it was you".
"No no let's just say he's the creator of that book that you heard about".
" His name is Alastor he ran hells torcher chamber for the longest time before he ran away".
"I guess the book was found and read by someone so tell me little boy what are you going to do".
"I'm…..I'm going to find my way out and save my friend Elizabeth".
Lilith pointed at the wall behind me I turned around. To see a opened door and a bright light. Lilith pushed me into the door and said. " good luck and I promise we will see each other again".
I awoke in the library but everything was white and smoky. I looked around the room but didn't see lilith. I wondered what she meant by we will see each other again. Then out of no were I heard my dad yelling. I looked for him all around the room but couldn't find him. Then a door appeared I felt something calling to me it felt safe and the voice. It reminded me of someone. When I opened the door I was back in my house. I walked slowly looking around. Then the voice I heard started talking in a sweet and calm sound I turned around to see my mother. She was standing there smiling and crying. I couldn't believe it she looked as beautiful as I remembered. I ran towards her crying and knowing it was her. I hugged her so tight I never wanted to let her go. She grabbed me and looked at me telling me how happy she was to see her baby boy. She said "I wish you could stay with me and I thank lilith for sending you here". "But you have to go you have a job to do.0 you were always special." " now go take care of your father and brothers ok I love you so much".
I started crying as she disappeared then the room started to disappear. I began falling everything was dark.
I closed my eyes as I fell i started thinking of my mother. I could see in my head her face and all the memories I cherished . It felt like they were cycling around me showing me everything. I was so happy. Then the sound of my father's voice showed up . I opened my eyes seeing a light coming towards me. Then as I got closer the voice got louder and the light got brighter.
I awoke to a room on fire and my father running out of the cellar with me in his hands. I asked him what was going on My father looked at me and said. Thank God your ok the monster threw us against the wall and you were knocked out ". I asked him were mr.white was he just said he stayed behind to kill the monster. I pushed my dad out of the way and said. "We must go back I won't let him die we must help him father". My father smiled and shook his head in agreement. We went back and saw a black hole in the middle of the room. We could here mr.white inside of it yelling for his daughter. Me and my father looked at each other and ran inside. It was dark and it felt like the place I was in. As me and my dad walked I saw lilith looking at me as she walked through a door. I felt like she wanted me to follow her. So I told my dad and we followed. My father wasn't ok with it but he trusted me. We entered the room lilith was standing there smiling and pointing at a glass case. I looked over to see the book mr.white was talking about. Lilith told me to be careful as I grabbed the book.
I turned around and lilith was gone I showed my father the book. My father said "she wanted us to find it." It must hold the key to ending that monster. I opened the book and started looking through each page. Then I found it the page gave instructions on how to Defeat Alastor.
We had everything but one item the blood of a hero.
I didn't understand so we left the room looking for mr,white. While we looked my father said "I think I understand what the book meant by blood of a hero".
"A hero is made when someone think's of someone other then them self's or dose the ultimate sacrifice". The sound of mr.whites voice got louder . We came across a door with a skull in the middle. We pushed it opened and saw mr.white hanging from his feet in the middle of the room.
He looked happy to see us. We cut him down and asked were the monster was. Mr,white said he went in the next room across the hall. We left the room ready for anything.
We opened the next door only to see another black hole and Alastor next to it.
I yelled at him telling him to release Elizabeth. Alastor just looked at me and said. "Well well well look who survived let me guess lilith right". "That fucking bitch will get hers but first catch me if you can". Alastor ran into the hole laughing. We went after him and ended up back in the house. The house looked like it was rotting and we couldn't see Alastor. Then my dad got pushed to the ground. Me and mr,White turned around and saw Alastor sitting on a desk smiling and waving at us. Then mr,white got pushed into the book shelf. I pointed the gun I had in my hands at Alastor and said sorry Elizabeth as I shot. Alastor looked at me and was surprised i shot then while he was Distracted my dad got up and grabbed him from behind and told me to hand him the knife on the ground. Then Alastor came out of Elizabeth still with the items I shot in him. My father knew he was going to do something. So my dad yelled at me and told me to grab Elizabeth. I ran to her and picked her up I took her to mr,white. Then I turn around and ran back to my dad. Alastor was bigger then I thought he was Peer black and as tall as a tree. My dad looked at Alastor with no fear just a smile.
(Ch3 Deception)
My dad grabbed Alastor trying to hold him down. He stabbed Alastor in the back slicing and dicing. Alastor stabbed my dad in the back. Then Alastor opened two black holes and dragged my dad into one. Before he went into the hole Alastor push me into the other one.
I felt cold and everything was dark. After falling for a while I finally hit the ground . I couldn't see anything then the room started twisting and turning. A strong wind and what looked like smoke was going all around me. Then the floor became clear and I saw 4 people standing in a room. I saw Alastor killing one kid and a girl screaming.
Then everything disappeared and it switched to a different room. I could see the kids again but this time it was only two of them left. The girl was crying over someone body.
The room started to twist and turn and another what I thought was a vision appeared. This time it was a boy with a scar on his face. He was walking down a road holding a basket. He walked up to a girl sitting on the side of the road. The girl looked familiar then I realized it was lilith.
Lilith looked happy the boy was sharing a treat with her. They sat there eating the treat. Then lilith stood up and told the boy to come with her. The room started to move again then I saw the boy getting beat up. Lilith was gone then everything went black. A light shined on me I looked up and saw nothing.
A calm voice called for me then a hand reached down and grabbed me. I didn't see who it was as the hand threw me into another hole. I fell on the ground I opened my eyes to see I was back. My father was swinging his rifle at Alastor I guessed he was out of ammo. My father looked at me and smiled. I saw in his eyes he was saying goodbye.
I screamed no as loud as I could then Alastor stabbed him. I was in shock as my dads blood hit the floor blood was gushing out. He was still smiling then he lit a match. I looked around them and I saw gun powder everywhere.
My father spit in Alastors face and dropped the match.
Mr.white grabbed me and ran out of the room. I broke out of his hands and then a big explosion came from the room.
I screamed for my dad as I fell to my knees tears were rolling down my face. Mr.white came up to me and said.
"I understand Thomas but its not over please get up I promise your father's death will not be in vein".
I got up and we ran to the second living room of the house.
Mr.white got on one knee and looked me in the eye and said. " that monster has to be stopped I want you to take care of my daughter ok". I could see he was serious about going back but I couldn't let him go. So as he hugged me I hit him in the back of the head knocking him out.
I grabbed his knife and ran back I slowed down and moved very quietly towards the room Alastor was in.
I peeked behind the door and saw Alastor sitting down on a chair. He looked at me and told me to come in and sit.
I walked in slowly towards Alastor he began to talk as I walked. "Hello Thomas thank you for coming back I was afraid that I would have to hunt you down hahahaa."
"Do you really think you can kill me".
"No but I'm going to try you ugly son of a bitch".
Alastor stood up to swing at me I dodged to the right and stabbed his leg. He then smacked me I hit the wall so hard my ribs broke.
I looked up and saw the book under the desk. I knew to get the book I had to distract him. But I didn't know how to then at the door behind Alastor. Mr.white showed up and jumped on Alastors back. I was surprised the I heard mr.white say "do it now!!."
I got up and ran for the book I grabbed the book and started to search for the page to send him back. I found the page and started to read out loud. As I read a black hole opened up and started to suck everything in. Alastor started to freak out yelling and screaming for me. Mr.white looked at me and told me to take care of his daughter again. Mr.white jumped of Alastor and ran at him pushing them bolth into the hole. Alastor grabbed my leg and tried to pull me in. Mr.white grabbed my knife out of Alastors leg and stabbed him in the back. Alastor let go of my leg leaving scratches on my leg. The hole closed and I cried cause I knew mr.white was gone two. After the hole closed I went to Elizabeth in the living room. I woke her up and told her what happened. She was so devastated I gave her a hug and told her everything will be fine. We left the house as we walked outside the fire grew bigger and destroyed the house. We watched the house burn to the ground. After that Elizabeth and I went are separate ways she went to stay with her aunt. As for me I lived on the run and hiding mostly until the civil war began.
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