

I'm Blayze
Hi, my name is Blayze. I'm a experienced martial artist and elite class swordsman.Well guys you know. My task is to hunt down monsters. All kind of monsters like: dragons, ogre's and oversized snakes. I traveled around the world cutting down every monster I can find. My to friends Ray and John travel along with me. Guess what, I can beat the both of them. If they hear me saying this, they would've said I'm making things up. Believe me guys, I'm the most powerful swordsman to ever exist and this isn't a joke. Literally no one in Ornavier can beat me. Something is bothering me all the time. It just pisses me of, not that I'm jealous of him, but my friend Ray has all the girls in the city under his control. Every single day when of them is asking him for a date and they are always ignoring me. That's why I considered Ray my enemy. He's literally taking all the girls without leaving any for me. He's a big jerk. Well, I admit. I'm the biggest pervert of all time. Is that why girls don't like me? I'm so cooler than Ray, but I still have zero girls and he a million. And mr, Uncool think I'm jealous of him. Well sorry for him, but he's totally wrong. And then you have John. I'm gonna stop talking about Ray, he's just a pain in the ass. Well, how can I describe John. Uhmm... he's a pervert, just like me. That man is my rival in perviness.We have our own squad and serve the kingdom of Ornavier. We three are monsterhunters.We are all three elite hunters and have completed many missions. Uncountable monsters died by my sword and we gained fame through out the lands of Ornavier. Monsterhunters are a special unit from the army in the empire. They were recruited and trained to slay any monsters who might pose a threat to Ornavier. Even dragons wich were extremely hard to kill. They were two of them, the frost dragon wich breathes ice and the flame dragon wich was a bitt bigger than the frost dragon, but weaker. Other dragons were descendants from those two species and grew up to half the original size of frost and flame dragons. My squad has only once faced a flame dragon and we were nearly fried alive. We managed to pin her down after driving spears through its wings. And than it happened and we had to retreat. It unleashed a fire ball wich caused destruction in a 100 meter radius. And after that we never ran into a dragon excluding the frost and flame dragon descendants. Well, it was me who saved the day. I was the one to help the other two escape. If they weren't there I could've whiped the floor clean with her, but my friends were getting in the way.

Note: a human can't kill a frost or flame dragon on his own. It's impossible.

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