

Dealing With Pain
As I am learning in life, especially in this second miscarriage, that pain does hurts. It cuts deeper than before. It is in that moment that I turned to God.
The pain felt more unbearable this time around than the last time. I just wanted to relieve the pain that I was feeling, but in an unhealthy way, no, I didn’t want to relieve the pain in an unhealthy way.
As I started to read an article, I had to agree with what the writer was saying. It wasn’t until then that I could finally put words to what I was feeling. The pain was not fun, I just wanted it to be relieved right away. No pain is fun at the time because it is uncomfortable. I just wanted the pain to be gone.
People will either turn to an unhealthy way of dealing with the pain or they will turn to God in their time of hurting seeking comfort from Him. Pain is uncomfortable, but in that pain God brings something beautiful out of it.
There are times that you have to rely on God second by second when the pain is there to get through it.
God always shows up in the Valley or on the mountain Top. It’s a time to Praise God no matter what is happening because we know that it is for God’s glory. he is working in it all.
When we deal with pain in the wrong way, we stall the healing process. In stalling that healing process, we are trying to numb that pain. We are doing more damage than good. It’s when we learn to deal with the hurt in the right way we can then begin to heal and move forward.
It rips at us, tearing at us, and hurts us in the very deepest part of our souls and our hearts. It breaks our hearts beyond what we can imagine. No, it’s not comfortable at the time, but no pain is comfortable..
It was when I seemed God in this time of deep hurting that my eyes were opened to these things.
As we continue to be on this healing journey, may God be glorified and help others who are struggling and deeply hurting. All you have to do is seek the Lord and let Him do it through you, relying on Him. It’s ok to let go and cry. Crying is healing. It’s a healthy way of dealing with your sorrow. God will hold you in His arms comforting you and clinging to you carrying you through it all. No matter what He stands by you collecting your tears in a bowl while being in the trenches of your deep sorrow with you.
It is by His strength through you that you can bear another second of another minute of another hour of another day of another week of another month of another year to keep going on in life. Learning to rely on the Lord completely to get through the Valley or on the mountain too. He shows up no matter what.
So, if you are hurting turn to God and seek Him. Call out to Him and He will be there.
As the song title says “Beauty From Ashes”.
If you push the pain away and not deal with it, it will come out in another way. I encourage you to seek help and seek God. Let Him give you the healing and peace you need. Trust Him and you will see He is true to His Word. God is with you and close to you, the brokenhearted. He gives you strength in this time of such deep sorrow. He knows what you are going through, yet He is not offended or mad, He is in the trench with you.
Be assured He knows your sorrow, your hurting, your pain, and what you are going through. Just keep hanging in there, it does get better. Even when it may not feel like it in the very beginning or in the deepest and hardest part of it all.
You see, we only see a small part of the picture, God sees the bigger over all picture. God’s not done with you yet. Keep hanging in there and you will see brighter, sunnier days ahead.