

Street Light Lit
That street light lit
it all up and had us
looking at a horror
with lights right
Then in that crowd
we here
don't play with me
Then we all look
around and no one
is there But
a stranger man
who wants to
scare everyone all the
no chains
or situations could stop him
he only wanted what he wanted
but every body
knows 365 days of a year
we can't do it our way
but some think we can
and even on the holidays
you look over your shoulder
and bang at the wall
And he screams at night like
a tape or something crazy noodles
in a pan he will expand
And cover his crazy
with cheese and sauce
And pizza his bull
about 280s of the time
rest of the time
go over a friends
And it turns to night once again
Then the street light is lit
And all the cars are parked
when up the street you hear
a car coming fast
with a motor
And it speeds in your
street and the werewolf
walking beside it looking for
what they can get in to
and I get in a car
an drive and the werewolf
bangs on my car windows
and I drive
but the other car on the street
crashes into me
and then I wake up
in hospital
and I hear
Oh open your eyes
I can get you now
I look it was werewolf and his
bad car driver
And I yell nurse noooooo
Then roses appear in her place
in that hospital bed
And the nurse uncovers rose
and says the. patient
turned beautiful after all.

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