

A true story of a princess,becoming a bhuddist
Today I would like to share you all a true story of a princess from Kashmir.
She was a great and a beautiful princess,
so kings over many countries came to marry her but instead she became a bhuddist nun.

Once in 10th or 11th century, her brother wanted her to marry a king.
But she disagreed even when her brother said that he will cut of her head.The brother felt petty for her and they agreed to send her in bhuddist practice, but before she leaves her brother asked what do you wish for. She replied that she wanted to take her childhood friend to get with her. She practiced bhuddist with a honorific and with her friend. But after few years of practice,the honorific said to go to the Eastern Himalayan to see real avalokiteshvara.Her friend and her they walked weeks and weeks. They stayed in a small temple without eating food, she drank only a drop of water every day. And nor she came out of the temple as she believed that she will kill insects.
But after so many weeks she got the disease leprosy so the people in the temple kicked her out. Again she walked miles to come in eastern Himalayan(bhutan).She was not able to walk from the halfway die to her disease. But the goddess helped her to get to Bhutan.When she reached to Bhutan, she stayed behind a avalokiteshvara temple, but the monks in the tEmile didn't allow her. So she asked her friend for her last wish and that was to build a house behind the temple (it was a cave). And told her friend to go back to her country.
She prayed and prayed, and she finally saw the real avalokiteshvara standing in front of her. She was so pleased and she said that her wish was fulfilled and the
avalokiteshvara said that the God was always with her on her way along. And her friend came back bringing foods to her. Her friend also became a Buddha.
So then she flyed from the cave to the temple and that's she was named Gelong ma pelmo. Her temple lies in Bhutan and people used to offer rituals and prayers.