

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.

Do you ever think about me?

Sometimes days passing by seem like a complete waste. Because we didn't write. Because we didn't talk. Because we didn't meet.

Life seems like a waste without you. Every breath pointless.

Will you always be my Robin? The one who got away? A one sided love story torturing my heart?

Sometimes I understand. But most of the time I refuse to understand. Looking for a way to your heart. Even if it is dangerous and difficult. Even if it takes the peace of my heart and mind. Even if the pain gets too much.

My stupid heart will always long for yours.

Who are you? What kind of spell is this? It feels so strong and forged lifetimes ago.

Like it is meant to be. We are meant to be.

Open your eyes. Open your heart.

Miss me.

© FirstChild