


“Stop it, please... Stop it.” he did not listen to my beggings, he kept throwing punches to the guy on the floor, now lifeless and bloody.

He did not stop until Sevie lost his life, he killed the man that's supposed to be marrying me.

“You should have chose me than this trash...” he cupped my face with his bloody hands and knuckles.

I was shivering as I seized his hands with my bloody hands too, I looked at him intently as his face were filled with cuts and grazes.

My entire body was chilling “Stop it already... P-please.” but he didn't listen, when he realizes that Sevie's still breathing.

“Death's too easy for you, come on...” he said towering over Sevie's dead body, he sounds fatal and ruthless in a split of seconds.

I kneeled on the floor from being totally drawn by my strength... He killed Sevie after stabbing Sevie's father several times.

“He had no choice but to kill Sevie when he saw his fathers blood pooled on the floor, Sevie attacked him but he was beaten... Sevie has no match, he died.” with my words, I am sure he'd be plead guilty.

Before I got out from the courtroom I gave him a glimpse and he gave me the most reassuring smile.

“You are safe now... Now please, live somewhere...away from here.” I remembered him telling me these before the police captures him.

My tears silently drops as I caressed my stomach.

‘Your father won't be with us, I'm sorry baby, your father claimed the crime I did...’

I was sold like a meat by my family to marry Sevie as a payment for their debts, his father found out about my boyfriend and our child, he tried to rape me so I stabbed him...

I called the father of my child, I told him I committed a crime and he wanted to claim it. He claimed the crime I did for my future.
