

The queen of Odense, Denmark, Hanny White(soft, loving, good, kind-hearted, charming, lovable, admirable, beautiful, excellent, stunning, etc), is the lover, admirerer and fiance of the domineering, bossy, stoic, rude king of Parramatta, Australia, Fresgrold, the ex lover of Joanne Rodwells, a noble and count's man's daughter, Mark Rodwells. King Fresgrold on the other hand leaves Parramatta, Australia, to Odense to see the woman of his dreams and eyes, he had seen and discovered in the Parramattan newspapers, whom later becomes his fiance, lover and admirerer. Both cannot sleep and live without the other. In Odense, king Fresgrold discovers Hanny White and his ex lover, Joanne Rodwells are good friends after their split, and the busy and career minded Joanne Rodwells is having a love affair now with Carrick Damsey, another noble gentleman like she is. Joanne Rodwells is very unhappy her very good friend Hanny White and her ex lover are having an affair. She refuses the both of them who insist not giving up on one another.
However, the king of Parramatta fights with the gentlemen and people of Odense who trespass him. Frenemies and enemies. Another scene reveals why King Fresgrold is the way he is. His good, nice, loving, kind hearted, social, sanguinstic, open hearted, open minded, trusting of people, accommodating and easy going beloved sister, Lynette killed right in front of him, by numerous people. Some he knows, some others he doesn't know. He changed afterwards.
Another plot opens with Hanny White and her lover enjoying romantic relationship once again. The king however is romantic like she is. She feels and likes his strength and comfort. Reveals to her his past and she hence comforts him. Their relationship, classy, wealthy, glossy, glorious, classic and amazing, as both royals and nobles. He is not understood, except Hanny White who understands him. The citizens of Odense enjoy their lives in their city. Have fun, go about their different businesses, etc.
Tis the end of the drama and plot, Joanne Rodwells plots killing Hanny White and king Fresgrold. Comes up with three plans and ideas. Poisoning their food and served by the maidens, send people to murder them or kill them herself. She picks the first and goes ahead with it. Joanne accidentally mixes substances that will make one sleep and have running stomach too. The maidens in the courtyard serve their already present guests and hosts the food instead, the king and queen of Antwerp, Belgium. King Philippe and queen Maria. Climax and rising tension. Conflict in the mix, as the king and queen of Antwerp end up sleeping. Half dead. The serving maidens are called upon to be punished. Salista, one of the maidens comes out of no where and tells everyone she watched and observed Joanne Rodwells coming out with a substance bottle, before the food was served in no time by the other maidens. Joanne is called upon and she confesses to initially harm King Fresgrold and Hanny White. King Fresgrold is very vexed and wants to deal with her. Rather, Joanne is taken away by the guards and imprisoned before the people think of what to do with her afterwards. King Philippe and queen Maria are taken to the hospital immediately. In the midst of conflict and resolution, Salista comes as a saviour. The drama closes with king Fresgrold and Hanny White's marriage in Odense, above enemies and frenemies and how they walk the aisle. Words come from the hospital, king Philippe and queen Maria fine and recovering. The End.