

I'm just glad I found out the things I need to find out
sometimes we wonders what's going on in our lives that we always miss at some point but the same time I'm glad God walk me through this journey and he showed me all the people and all things I need to see even parents kids and grandkids are all different that same time we learn and like that we do have to still grow and I learn a lot of things over the years that I never knew or I might have had put behind me but at the same time it always searches up when God wants something shown and he showed me a lot between from day one as young now I'm grown and older now I really see the really realize what's going on around me that I never imagine or pictures but now I see it all and how family betrays family and friends betray your friends and husbands and wife betrayed husband and wife at any cost don't matter how it goes cute or unq but God showed us that we still got good quality and you still got love and I'm glad that I just learned 19 was a bad year 2019 well I was living in Georgia didn't know how messy these people could be but I learned how messy there really are and my mom and dad really come from Georgia so I really thought better but at the same time like my father tell me I can't change people people changing self but at the same time I don't expect to change nobody I didn't expect to change anyone I just want equal rights and fair fair rights at the same time but I see that people taste rights from others with no unpleasantness and treat my identity was stolen from me and things have been unfair and I would like all my life back not some of it back but all other things don't worry don't do that no more coming and take care of my kids and mind my own business and I really thank God for just move in me out of a low State because I lost so much and I came there with so much I had my housing I had my finances that no one can take away from me for God I have worked all my life and I got little baby too moving to Georgia and come back to Florida with nothing less than what I came in with a marriage there was not worth it in I know I love my kids and doing nothing too my kids have enough issues people don't know what I had to deal with in my house but same time you go to watch your own house and maintain it but at the same time I maintain my house I can't help y'all Foster arrested I can't help that I would probably accused place on probation and lived at homeless so it's almost 2 years my dad brought my house and used me to pay all the bills and then put me out in I lost everything car almost my respect but the same time I say I trust God no matter what if consequences are I look back at all my grandbabies all nine of them and I don't complain but I know it's over but the same time I wish Georgia Augusta Georgia and all their people that are there I want my mail I need my mail and I don't understand why I can't get my mail from Georgia and I know I've been betrayed by the whole city state of Augusta in state of Georgia but same time I'm home I don't have to worry about Georgia but in the same time I want to straighten out my through whatever happened to betrayal of the judicial system solidification of people it just I want my life that and that's all I ask if anybody can help me gain online like that that would be good love you honor this story nobody else can tell my story but it was hard being Gang stalked I will scared I just mindful
© Selena Ellison
© Selena Ellison