

Sweetest wish...
One day a young girl, about the age of 15th was in deep depression. Than after a while she could see a man dressed in white floating like a feather approaching nearby her window. The girl wasn't afraid instead she opened the door for him and started asking him questions. At that moments she forgets what she had been through before. Than after a while the man was about to leave, he than told her that he could teach her how to make stars out of papers. The young girl finally learned how to make stars out of papers. Than the man before leaving added that if she could make a thousand stars out of papers than she could ask for one wish, whatever she would wish for will be fulfilled. Atlast he leave....
Lonely again, the young girl was back to depression, various anxiety surrounding her...
She really wasn't fond of wishes, but making stars out of papers really helped her alot.. She started making stars whenever she is depressed or lonely and than put it in the jar. She would make stars whenever she's lonely, depressed, whenever she lose friends or boyfriend... And than finally when her mom forget her 16th birthday she finally makes one thousands stars... She opened her window and than throw all the stars up onto the skies, than the man appear again asking the young girl about her wishes, before he could finish the young girl grab his hand and than pull him inside her bedroom telling him she doesn't want to wish for anything, she doesn't want to run away from her problems, she doesn't need a knight in shining armour to come and rescue her from her problems, she only needs someone who would loves her at her worst and stayed besides her during her bad times, all she need is a FRIEND.....
Indeed, sometimes all we need is actually a friend.. someone to talk with,to laugh with and to share your perspective with
© Sarsinot