

An Ocean's Fortune
You were sinking into the abyss, someone came to your aid at precisely the right moment. Make a story out of it.

There I sank, helpless and at the mercy of the violent winds and merciless waves of the seas. Sinking into the frigid embrace of the patiently awaiting abyss. Before being overturned and thrown overboard, the sail of the boat I was on was overpowered and swung across my head! I drift down, down, down further. I am barely conscious, not knowing just how much longer I can bear to see the surface grow distant. It became darker around me still, and passed out, fully surrendering myself.

I awakened to the sound of lightly sloshing water and to streams of sunlight piercing through several openings in the rocky ceiling above. I look around and later deduce I have somehow made my way into a cavern. I shift myself a little more before feeling something that was firm one moment before crumbling the next. I check my hand, and saw that it was stained with charcoal; Looking way from my hand, I discovered that there was a fire set up not too far from me. Did... someone save me; I thought to myself.

I feel as though eyes watched me suddenly! Growing paranoid, I cautiously scan the cavern a second time. As my eyes panned over a stone no smaller than four meters, it shifted. An arm reached forth and grabbed another stone! I looked up and saw that the giant rock I panned across was actually a something! A ray of light graced its face. Before my eyes was do doubt a sea monster! I gasped and stumbled back, returning onto my bum as I continued to try and scramble away from the fishy figure.

"W- wait! human! Don't run, please!" The creature called out.

It... talked? My struggled slowed down, but I glued myself into a far corner. Getting a better look at this humanoid creature, I see a number of features that gave it shark-like qualities.

"Are you okay, human? I found you without scuba gear and drifting down into my kind's territory. I hope you aren't hurt too bad, I did what I could for your head-" The creature rambled, giving more than just the impression of its concern for me.

I lofted my hand around with a little wave, "I'm... I'm okay I think."

The shark man sighed in relief, like the weight of worry was lifted from its shoulders. "... You want fish and chips?"

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