

C O L S O N (Part 9)
Chapter Nine: Traitor

While I was walking home to get a good night's rest, I heard some weird noises coming from around me. Was it happening again? No, who was it this time?

Me: "Jeez, who is it now? I've been attacked like this before, I won't let it happen again-"

I was hit with something in the back before I finished, I fell onto the ground and passed out. Not again, who did it this time? Was it? Probably was, he was probably watching me this whole time.. bastard.

After what I assume to be about five to six hours, I'm blinded by the light of day as a bag was ripped off of my head. I started to look around frantically and scan my surroundings, it was some sort of chamber that had brick walls, chains everywhere, and a trap door. I assumed this was under someone's house, probably Trevor's. I was tied to a pole and started trying to move, no use. I heard a familiar voice talking to me, I look up, and I see that snake, Trevor.

Trevor: "Well, welcome to my little hideout. You comfy?"

I shook my head and laughed, he really kidnapped me. Next thing I knew, a gun was pointing to my head. My glare shifted towards him, the guy who had taken Maxine from me. He simply smiled.

Trevor: "Kid, I'm going to have to ask you to back off on your little friend. Otherwise, I think I may have to do something that you won't like."

He pressed the pistol harder against my head, was he really going to do this? Well, I had promised that I would stop at nothing to save her, but was this really how it ended? With him shooting me in the head?

Me: "I would rather die, go ahead, do it."

Trevor: "I wouldn't pressure me if I were you, kid. Choose your next words very carefully."

I wouldn't say anything for a bit, I felt the pistol press against my forehead even harder. I don't know what happened, but I suddenly took a look at Trevor's arm, it took a bit but I noticed the slightest bit of trembling from it. I smirked before moving towards Trevor's face and saying these three simple words:

Me: "Do it, coward."

Trevor knew I wasn't taking him seriously at that point, he seemed to get ticked for a second, but he just placed the gun away from my head and proceeded to shake his own.

Trevor: "Fine kid, I don't actually want to kill you, you win."

After he had finished his sentence, I did a slight head tilt before starting my own sentence.

Me: "Then let me go, and we can talk about this whole thing."

He took a moment to consider it before nodding and coming over to untie me, unfortunately for him, that was just a big lie for him to let me go. As soon as he had done that, I managed to tackle him to the ground before consecutively throwing punches at his face. He deserved so much for betraying me and my partner, and who knows what he did to Maxine??

Me: "You bastard, what did you do to her? Huh?"

Trevor: "What do you mean?? You don't know what you're talking about-"

I had enough from him, I pulled him up from off of the ground and threw him against the brick wall before attempting to land a kick towards his gut, like I said, not much of a fighter.

Instead though, he threw an elbow onto my leg, which caused me to feel a decent amount of pain before eventually being punched in the face, that threw me onto the ground. I managed to recover, but it was a little too late for recovering.

He managed to land another hit, this time he had hit me with an uppercut. I was getting pissed off so I grabbed him and threw Trevor onto the floor, I managed to land a kick to the face as well.

He grabbed my leg and I fell onto the hard floor. Trevor managed to land another punch, after we both got up, I retaliated with a knee to the gut which made him fall yet again.

After that though, I was exhausted. We couldn't fight any more. Me and Trevor both were breathing heavily. I barely managed to say something for a bit, but I finally managed to get something out.

Me: "Alright, now tell me, where are you hiding her??"

I wiped some of the blood off of my mouth, staring at Trevor with a look of disgust. I figured that the perv needed time to recover. He got onto his side before finally saying something.

Trevor: "Listen, you can surprisingly throw down, but I honestly don't know-"

Me: "Don't you dare give me that crap!"

I ran over and kicked Trevor hard enough in the ribs to make him spit out some blood, he put his hands up, I guess that meant to stop. It made me want to hit him even more though.

Trevor: "Listen, I- I didn't do anything to this girl okay?? I was just told to take her from Michael's place and bring her to someone."

I got even closer to Trevor and took his gun, I pointed it at him to send the message that I wasn't playing around here. I'd kill him if I needed to. He got up and backed away from me.

Trevor: "Hey come on, I'm sorry but I simply can't tell you who- I don't even know them."

Me: "I'm done with your crap, Trevor. TELL ME!"

I tightened my grip on the gun, ready to pull the trigger if it was necessary. Trevor just shakes his head, I wanted to send another punch his way, I still didn't believe him entirely.

Trevor: "Hey kid come on, look, I'll tell you okay? Just please put the gun down."

I only got closer to him with the gun still in hand, basically doing the thing he didn't want me to do.

Me: "The gun gets put down when I want to put it down, understand?"

I was so ready to shoot this perverted bum in the head, but then he said something that shocked me. Although it could be a lie, something just.. told me it was true.

Trevor: "Alright alright, kid listen, it's all my father. This whole thing, it all has to do with my nut job father. I'll tell you everything."

Me: "Your father? Why should I believe that you-"

All of a sudden, I'd start to lower my gun. It wasn't intentional, I just started- doing it. I don't know why. I guess that was my body's way of telling me that he was telling the truth.

Me: "Alright, talk, make it quick. You already made me late for school you frickin' jerk."

Trevor: "Alright, listen, so my dad was living normally. He was a normal man. This was until my mother had called him to be picked up from work. Then, it happened.."

Me: "What happened? Spill it!"

Trevor simply nods, he starts to talk.

Trevor: "This happened recently, my father is Jon Gutenberg. Yes, the guy the police have been trying to catch for about four days now. He was at home one day when he got a call from my mother, Zyla Gutenberg who had called, she sounded like she was panicking. Before he said anything though, the phone had hung up. About a day later, he got a call saying that he should see my mother in the hospital, something had happened to her. Whatever it was, it killed her. We only know that it was someone else who did it, I'm sure that person is behind bars now, but after losing my mother, my dad lost it. His sanity just went down the drain entirely, and this is how this whole thing started, he hates the human race because of what happened to my mother. So that is why he has killed so many people."

Me: "Why are you in this whole thing then? I'm aware that it's really hard to lose someone you love but to start killing people over it?"

Trevor: "My father forced me into this, I had no choice, he would have killed me if I hadn't accepted, I never wanted to do this."

I would sigh and put the gun in my pocket, I helped Trevor stand up and took a look at his wounds. He was messed up pretty bad, but then again, so was I. I backed away and chuckled.

Before I could finish though, I was struck by a jab from the left of me, which had struck my eye. I suppose that was his revenge for kicking him, I wanted to strike back, but that would be wasting time.

Me: "Alright, if you're telling the truth, where can we find your father?"

Trevor shakes his head and sighs, that alone told me that he didn't even know. I stay silent for a minute before throwing my hat on the floor, how were we going to do this now? Trevor didn't know where he was, what was going to happen now? Was this the end of it all?

Me: "So what now? What are we supposed to do? You don't even know where he is, how are we-"

Trevor: "I DON'T KNOW HOW OKAY? It has to happen though, it has to.. we need to stop this evil prick."

Me: "Woah woah, what do you mean "we"?

Trevor places a hand on my shoulder, I was about to shoo it away but I felt like he was being sincere about all of this. I calmed myself down.

Trevor: "I want to help you take him down, he's a monster that needs to be dealt with, as soon as possible. I need to assist you, believe it or not."

I picked up my hat before staring at Trevor suspiciously, as much as we may have needed his help, he still helped kidnap Maxine. But, how were we going to do this without him? It takes a moment, but I shake my head before finally deciding that he would help us.

Me: "Fine, you can help us. Just-"

He nodded, all of a sudden I grabbed him and pushed him against a wall, I said with a venomous tone that if he dared betray us, we'd kill him on the spot.

Trevor: "Got it, trust me, I don't plan on doing any of that. I hate the man that my father has become, as much as I don't want to, I need to take him down. This is my opportunity to do so."

We both nod towards each other and get out of that chamber, wherever it was, it was far from where I was originally, I'll tell you that. Luckily, Trevor used his car to get me to my car before I went to my house, I nodded towards Trevor and he drove off. We'd continue this tomorrow.

© C O L S O N