

Knowing About Shug Kessler Murphy
Ry’Anne Kessler Murphy known as Shug Murphy was born in Memphis Tennessee on January 1 1902 in 1914 Sir Alexander I and Shug joined a circus Shug was 12 years old at the time she was entertaining with the animals they were so nice to her they enjoyed her so much. One day Sir Alexander Murphy I saw her he knew she would be the right woman for him he kissed her on the cheeks and put her on his horse carriage and took her home in seven days he married her. Shug and Sir Alexander I moved a lot they moved to London England and had some of their children there and then they moved back down to the United States Of America to have more children. Shug gave Sir Alexander I nine children seven boys and two girls. Back in 1936 Shug adopted a baby boy named Bobby Cool but when Bobby got older he called himself Big Daddy Cool and everybody started calling him that Catherine Murphy was upset that her grandson didn’t do an in loving memory on her mother and father but here is the thing Calvin never met his great great grandparents he wasn’t even born when they were around. Shug was in the wheelchair when she was in her early 50’s she couldn’t walk Shug got help in the house her health wasn’t good she couldn’t walk anymore so she ended up in a wheelchair. Wellford Holtzclaw said his mother died back in the 1940’s due to smoking but the truth is Shug died back in March 19 1967 due to cancer. Dan asked Calvin did he remember the previous death and Calvin said that he remembered his great great grandmother was in the wheelchair rolling out of the house and stopped on the middle of the road and a car was coming down the road so fast it didn’t stop and the car hit Shug and that’s how she died Dan was devastated about what Calvin had said but that’s not the truth because Calvin never met his great great grandmother he only knows about her. Calvin was told by Catherine that his great great grandmother was in the wheelchair because she couldn’t walk anymore. In the picture that’s Sir Calvin’s real mother Bridget Herbert portraying as Shug Murphy in the 1922 picture in the picture Shug was 20 years old in that picture.

Family Kate Kessler (Mother Deceased)
Issac Kessler (Father Deceased)
Micheal Kessler Sr. (Brother Deceased)
Magail Holtzclaw (Brother Deceased)
John Kessler (Brother Deceased)
Cornelius Kessler (Brother Deceased)
Creed Kessler (Brother Deceased)
John Kingston (Ex Husband Deceased)
Sir Alexander Murphy I (Husband Deceased)
Kenny Kingston (Son Deceased)
Iuventhian Jackson (Son Deceased)
Freddie Murphy Sr. (Son)
Ralphburn Kessler (Son Deceased)
Wellford Holtzclaw (Son)
Big Daddy Cool (Adopted Son)
Sir Alexander Murphy II (Son)
Catherine Murphy (Daughter)
Limpy Murphy (Son)
Beatrice Bumpster (Daughter Deceased)
Harper Lynn Kingston (Granddaughter)
Nellie Ridgewood (Granddaughter)
Elijah Jackson (Grandson)
Ralphburn Kessler Jr. (Grandson)
Whitney Houston (Granddaughter)
Martin Kessler (Grandson)
Angelo Kessler (Grandson)
Freddie Murphy Jr. (Grandson)
Debbie Johnson (Granddaughter)
Maryann Johnson (Granddaughter)
Joseph Holtzclaw (Grandson)
Leatrice Armstrong (Granddaughter Deceased)
Sir Wilbert Murphy (Grandson Deceased)
Lorraine Harris (Granddaughter)
Gayle West (Granddaughter)
Olin Murphy (Grandson)
Jackie Mundie (Granddaughter)
Sir Alexander Murphy III (Grandson)
Charlie Bumpster Jr. (Grandson)
Sir Calvin Murphy (Great Great Grandson)
Dan Jackson (Great Great Grandson)
Donald Gallagher (Great Great Grandson)
Alice Murphy (Great Great Great Granddaughter)
Dexter Murphy (Great Great Great Grandson)

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