

Being Nice
Being nice, It’s one of those societal norms people keep hammering into your head, as if being nice is some sort of universal remedy for all problems. But let's face it, being nice is a facade, a performance to fit into the expectations of society. It’s not like being nice has ever gotten anyone anywhere significant, right?

Take a look around. Nice people are the ones who get taken advantage of, who get left behind while everyone else is busy stepping on them to climb the ladder. They say nice guys finish last for a reason. It’s not some poetic quirk of life; it’s a cold, hard truth.

And then there’s the fact that niceness is often just a mask. People are nice because they want to be liked, because they want something in return. It’s a transaction, not a genuine expression of kindness. I’ve seen it time and time again – so-called nice people turning their backs the moment they don’t get what they want.

So, why bother? Why play a game that’s rigged from the start? Instead of pretending to be nice, I’d rather be honest. Brutally, painfully honest. It might not win me friends, but at least I know where I stand. I won’t be disappointed by false expectations or betrayed by fake smiles.

In the end, being nice is just another way to fit in, to blend into the crowd. But I’d rather stand out for who I truly am, flaws and all. Because in a world that values appearance over substance, being true to yourself is the only real rebellion.