

The Last Train Home

It happened about a week ago - I was catching the last train home from my dad's house, it was about quarter past eleven and I had to stop and change trains. The station I was left at was completely deserted and dark. I was there alone; or so I thought.

The train screen notified me that my train was going to be delayed by half an hour and so I settled myself on a cold bench - just my luck. I wrapped myself in my coat trying to keep warm, but something in the surroundings kept making me shiver. Goosebumps filled my skin as I looked across the track. On the other platform - about ten metres away, I could see what appeared to be a teenage girl - fairly tall and slender; she was perched on the edge of the platform, her legs dangling ever so close to the railway line. Due to the lack in light - I wasn't too sure what she was doing, but without hesitation she suddenly jumped onto the track. My heart stopped - for all I could see was her outline in a dark shadow.

I screamed to her - what the hell are you doing?! The train will be arriving any second, get off the track! But she didn't listen. Instead, she slowly started tiptoeing along the track towards me. Her face wasn't directly looking at me, but appeared to be looking ahead, as if she was curious of what lied in front of her. My heart was beating so fast and I was petrified. At a quick abrupt jolt - her eyes met mine. Her skin was pale white and her deep set black eyes were burning through me.

Before I could even acknowledge what she was doing - the train screeched round the bend, edging ever so near her. It must have been centimeters before hitting her, when she just vanished before my eyes. The noise of the train breaking sounded likes a girl's scream.

All I could imagine was that this was a victim of a train wreck - and she now haunts this station. Has anyone else experienced this before as I sure as hell know that I was not imagining anything!

I saw it.

© God Child