

New Boy Old Heart (part 2)
He wiped his tears throw those pills put locket back to his neck sit on his bike and start riding towards his house.

While riding towards his house he managed his emotions not to come out in front his parents. He only had his parents in his life, they were the only reason he throw those pills.

In short time he reached his home and after had his dinner with parents he locked himself to his room and played few songs in his playlist. And he took his mobile out and saw some of the picture of that girl. He was again got emotional after seen those pictures and suddenly he murmured something "am i not worthy? Its second time" and he stopped. He wiped his tears again and took his dairy and a pen from his cupboard. He settled on desk to write something.

This was the first page of his diary
"I am sorry to all my relatives, friends and every one come in my life. I glad to have you all but from today i broke all the relations with everyone from my heart. I can't show it from outside but from inside i broke all the relations. Its the second time i failed in love, so many time i had been cheated in friendships also but now i fade up with all this, now i decided one thing i am single child from my parents and i am trained to live alone from my childhood, so i keep it life long i take decision to be single forever and lives only for my parents. And special thanks to those two girls who did this to me."

And he put his diary back to his desk.

He went to his bed and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, he didn't get sleep because of his brain and mind both was distressed at that time. He get up and start hitting his punching bag which was hanging in his room.

In next part i will tell you what happened to him in next few days and what was his past how he come in second relationship, why he dumped first time, why his friends cheated him.
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