

The storyteller (I)
In a quaint little bookstore, surrounded by shelves of worn novels and whispering pages, Emily first locked eyes with Jack, a stranger with a charming smile and a passion for poetry,for the first time she find him rather pleasing to look at Sweet,As they struck up a conversation about their shared love of literature, Emily discovered that Jack's warm eyes and gentle voice were merely a prelude to a kind and thoughtful soul, and she found herself lingering by the poetry section, hesitant to leave his side.
She was stunned by how she was hesitant to leave his side because she never felt that way towards anyone and didn't really know what caught her attention.

As they continued talking, Jack's genuine interest in her thoughts and dreams, coupled with his easy laughter and gentle teasing, slowly dismantled Emily's defenses, leaving her feeling vulnerable yet strangely at ease, like a puzzle piece finally finding its perfect fit.
She stared deeply into his warm brown eyes lost in her thought,And as their gazes held, Jack's eyes crinkled at the corners, his smile soft and inviting, as if he knew a secret she didn't, and Emily's heart skipped a beat, her thoughts dissolving into the depths of his warm, chocolate brown eyes, like a leaf drifting into a tranquil pool.
"A penny for your thoughts"he brought her out of her dazed self,she chuckled lightly waving it off But Jack's curiosity was piqued, and he gently persisted, his voice low and gentle,
"No, really, what's on your mind? You looked like you were a thousand miles away," his eyes sparkling with kindness, making Emily's heart flutter, like a bird awakening from a gentle
"Nothing,I was just thinking about one
or two, You know?"trying to sound light
Jack's eyes twinkled with amusement, and he leaned in, his voice taking on a playful tone,
"Oh, one or two things, huh? Well, I'm
intrigued. Are they secrets I can help with, or
are they strictly solo thoughts?" his words dancing with a hint of flirtation, making Emily's cheeks flush with a soft pink glow
"There are just solo thought, nothing else "she said squinting her eyes,Jack chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners,
"Ah, solo thoughts, huh? Well, I respect that
But I have to ask, are they thoughts of a
mysterious stranger, perhaps one with a
charming smile and a love for poetry?" he teased, his voice low and playful, making Emily's squinted eyes sparkle with amusement.
"of course not!"she said almost immediately,But Jack's grin only grew wider, his eyes sparkling with mirth,
"Ah, too quick a response, my dear! Me
thinks the lady doth protest too much," he said, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm, making Emily's face flush with a delightful mix of embarrassment and excitement.
"And what makes you so sure that my
solo thought are the ones of a mysterious
stranger with a charming smile and a love
for poetry?huh?"she said inching closer to him with a smug expression She was stunned for a while when he started leaning close too then she stood up hurriedly packing her books and begin to leave
"Wait,don't go! I didn't even get to know your name" Jack called out, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment and longing, as he quickly rose from his seat, his eyes pleading with her to stay, but Emily was already hastening towards the door, her heart racing with a mix of emotions, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the quiet bookstore like a countdown to a missed opportunity.
© Rukie vert
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