

how I became a vampire
I was sleeping but I kept on having nightmares. So I went outside and took my book and started reading about how caterpillar become butterflies.

all a sudden a saw a beautiful girl in the woods. I thought I was dreaming, I closed my eyes and opened them again but she was still here and then I yelled loudly saying "what are you doing here it's to late for a girl to be in the woods" she said nothing. I went to her but she disappear but I trusted my instincts even though I was scared.

I was walking for hours but couldn't find this one girl so I decided to head back home what I found strange was that when I turned my head there was a big wall blocking me from going back.

After a while I heard somebody say "stop you you are in private land" and I said I'm so sorry I'm just lost please help get out and I'll give you anything in the world just help me leave this place.

his eyes where red and bright and I started screaming help but me screaming only made things worse because I made every single on of them unknown people leave they home even the girl a saw.

one of them said who are you and what are you doing here or are you a werewolf?

I thought he was joking I said werewolf.. that's a myth they don't exist and then I pointed my finger at the girl I came after and said she the one I was looking for.

I didn't know what I did but they started agitating,, the girl left again and one of them says you just offended the vampire queen and he said the only way you going to get out of here is the fight me.

I Still thought he was joking and I said bring it on loser

he gave me a real sword and I was like I was joking I don't want to die but he went straight for my heart.

my last words was (I only came for Natalie) I had no idea how I knew this name.

the Queen Herself came out and bite my neck and then I came back to Life.

since that day the sun has been my worse enemy and I had to drink blood everyday.