

Burning Embers
Our love grew with her, changing and evolving as she did. The fiery passion of our early days mellowed into a warm, enduring ember that never truly died. We learned to cherish the quiet moments, the soft whispers of "I love you" exchanged in the dark of night, the gentle touch of a hand on a shoulder, the silent understanding that passed between us when words failed.

Years later, we'd sit in that same diner, our child grown and off to college, the pages of our lives filled with memories. We'd order the same coffee and eggs, the same side of toast, and laugh about the first time we met. The same rain would patter against the windows, the same children would splash in puddles outside, and we'd hold hands, our fingers intertwined like the roots of a mighty tree.

We'd talk about the books we'd read, the movies we'd seen, the sermons that had touched our hearts. Our discussions about God and salvation had grown deeper, our faith a testament to the trials we'd faced and the love that had seen us through. We'd speak of our child, her successes and her heartaches, with pride and a hint of sadness that time had flown so fast. But we sang a song of joy to remind us of that one moment in time, captured in a capsule of remembrance:

Together, forever
And a day more
Yet our love is stronger
Then when it first begun

Together, forever
And a day more
My heart will always
Beat for you.

And when the waitress brought us the check, Lila would slip her hand into her pocket and pull out the ring I'd given her so long ago. She'd twirl it around her finger, the diamond catching the light, and smile at me. "Remember when you said you'd love me forever?" she'd ask, her voice filled with warmth. "I do," I'd reply, taking her hand in mine. "Forever and a day more."

In the quiet of the night, as we lay in bed, our hearts still dancing to the same rhythm, I'd whisper a prayer of thanks for the love we'd been granted. For the storms we'd weathered, the fires we'd tamed, and the love that had only grown stronger with each passing year. And as I drifted off to sleep, her breath warm against my neck, I'd remember Ann Landers' words, "Love is friendship that has caught fire." Our friendship had indeed caught fire, and from those burning embers, we'd forged a love that could never be extinguished.

In the twilight of our lives, as we watched the world go by from the porch swing of our forever home, I knew that our story was one of resilience and devotion. The trials and tribulations had only served to make our bond unbreakable. We'd lived a life filled with love, with laughter, with tears, and with the quiet understanding that comes from a lifetime spent in the arms of your soulmate. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, we'd hold each other tight, knowing that our love was the greatest adventure of all.