

Crazy (Chapter 9)
"WHAT?!" Pepper squeals as her faces color changes to red again.
"You heard me."
"F-fine." Pepper bites her lip just thinking about it, and looks at the floor.
"Great." Draco smiles and steps away from the door.
Pepper gets up and opens the door. "Daphne..?"
"What?" Daphne giggles from inside the room.
"What's so funny?"
"I've been in here the whole time! I ran back in when Bubby did!" She cackles
Pepper sighs. "And I fell for it..." She whispers
"Yes ma'am you did." Draco chuckles.
"Shut up." Pepper glares at him.
Daphne giggles and Pepper looks at her. "Let's just get this over with."
"Nah. I'm bored of this game. I'm gonna go watch TV." She gets up from the corner of the room and goes to the living room.
Draco walks over to Pepper and puts his fedora on her.
"This was fun, GG. We'llhave to do it again sometime." He smirks and walks out.
"Why do you call me GG?" Pepper mutters.
"Not telling you that." Draco calls from the hall.
Pepper just rolls her eyes before she lays down om the floor and draoes her arm over her face.

The next few by. Pepper was shocked when her alarm went off to get ready for the date. She had been dreading this all week and when the day finally arrived, she started to feel nervous. What if she messed something up? What if she says something dumb and Draco never talked to her again? What if he loses all the feelings he has for her and they don't even have that friendly(ish) rivalry?
A million things went through her head, all at the same time. She never thought she'd be this anxious over a stupid boy, but here she is, sitting on her bedroom floor, stressing out over a stupid date with a stupid boy. She eventually calms down enough to take a quick shower, dry her hair, brush it, pick out an attractive but elagant black dress, and get her shoes on. The dress she decided to wear was very form fitting but showed of her curves very nicely. She didn't exactly love how it showed her tummy, but she figured Draco would be too distracted with everything else the dress showed.
A feeling of guilt and stress was still lingering even though she thought everything was okay. So she decides to call Cedric. She hasn't spoken to him for over a week now, and this time, it's going to be the last.
Cedric answered on the second ring. "Yes, love?"
"I want to break up."
"Huh? Why???" Cedric asks, confused
"Because you clearly don't want me and I'm mad at you." Pepper crosses her arms.
"Fine. That's not true, and I love you very much, but if that's what you want then whatever."
"Yes it is. Bye." She hangs up before he can utter another word.
The door bell rings as Pepper puts her phone in her purse. She grabs her purse, adjusts her outfit, checks her makeup very very fast, and runs to the door. She tries to compose herself, and she calmly and elegantly opens the door.
Draco is standing there in a fancy black button down shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows, a suit jacket flung over his shoulder with his other hand resting on the pocket of his slacks holding a small bouquet of Lillie's.
"Hello." Pepper tries not to smile.
"Hi. Ready to go GG?" He extends his arm out to her, giving her he flowers.
"Yes." She smiles and takes the flowers gratefully. "Thank you."
"No problem." He holds out his hand to her as he smiles himself. She takes it and starts to blush.
"Come on. Lets get going." Draco chuckles.
"Pepper? Who's at the door?" Pepper mother calls from upstairs.
"I- uh- I-its no one! I'll be back later!" She jumps out the door and slams it shut. She looks at Draco. "Now... Shall we?"
"We shall." He smiles.