

Halloween night is frozen chapter 6 ~live ur life
After silvia and sammy went home they went to sleep since it was night then by 2 o clock at night sammy was talking to someone.. Silvia woke up and sat next to sammy and said "sammy do you know how ur father looks? Sammy says yes shocked silvia says how..!? Sammy replied i saaaw it in ur laptop's hidden file silvia had no words.. And then silvia told sammy to go to sleep they both went to bed (at 3 o'clock) sammy said mommy time is frozen!! Mommy? Mommyyy? Oh no mommy is not moving.. She is frozen and got down from her bed silvia was worried about sammy and told sammy time is not frozen and told sammy go back to sleep... Sammy then said mommy u are not frozen and went to sleep.. Silvia stayed up whole night at 6 in the morning Samantha knocked at door silvia opened the door and says "sammy is saying time stopped! And said today is her birthday party she doesn't know about it.. Samantha then says" can i come in ". Silvia laughed and says" sorry Samantha.. I am just so worried about sammy!
Samantha says it's okay.. And she enters in while sammy is sleeping they decorate the house and call Sammy's friends Sammy's friends were hiding then silvia wakes sammy up and.. Then sammy take s a bath and goes out every screams surprise!

Thanks for reading the next chapter is the final chapter

© Bambi ~