

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Delhi, there existed a bond so strong and pure that it seemed unbreakable. Reeva and I were inseparable since childhood, our friendship forged in the fires of playground adventures and shared secrets. From innocent giggles in school to late-night study sessions in college, we were each other's confidantes, partners in mischief, and pillars of support.

But then, as life often does, it threw us a curveball in the form of Avinash. He was charming, in that deceptive way that masked his true intentions. I saw through his facade from the beginning, sensing the toxicity that lurked beneath his smile. Yet, Reeva was blinded by love, her heart ensnared by his manipulative charm.

Despite my warnings and subtle attempts to steer her away from him, Reeva fell deeper into Avinash's web, eventually succumbing to his proposal of marriage. I stood by helplessly as she walked down the aisle, knowing in my heart that this union would only lead to heartache.

As predicted, Avinash's true colors began to show soon after their wedding. He treated Reeva more like a possession than a partner, using her for her wealth and comfort while neglecting her emotional needs. It was as if she had become nothing more than a luxurious guesthouse for him and his family, a place to seek shelter and indulgence whenever they pleased.

Despite my attempts to reach out to Reeva, our once unbreakable bond began to fray as she became more entrenched in Avinash's world. Our late-night chats and spontaneous adventures became distant memories, replaced by the cold silence of a friendship lost to the ravages of toxic love.

But even as our paths diverged, I never stopped hoping that one day, Reeva would find the strength to break free from Avinash's grasp and rediscover the vibrant, independent spirit that once defined her. Until then, I could only watch from afar, holding onto the memories of our cherished friendship and wishing for her happiness, even if it meant finding it without me by her side.
Then she got pregnant but she was already dumped by Avinash.Despite the pain and betrayal she decided to go independent by taking a job.It was during this period she was worst hit by her family illness of being mentally unstable.In her office she found Darpan.Who again ditched her.She was so hardly hit by all this that now her overall personality changed.She started dressing up like women who sell their bodies.Degraded more by society as sluts.She used to knock at my door in those not so decent attires and behaviours and i remember i never used to open the doors fearing social embarassement.
Then one day she got married again to someone i thought finally she will be at peace .she gave birth to a sweet little boy.Bur with time she disappeared sonewhere and i still wonder and feel upset thinking about her,searching her on social media but all in vain.I really hope someday time will present before me final piece if the puzzle called REEVA...
© Haniya kaur