

Dear researcher,
I am an unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence,racism and discrimination. Governments&councils didn't encourage&provide opportunities and officials&fellow researchers ridiculed and pushed out. My scientific thoughts angered the fundamentalists&superstitioius. Despite being oppressed¬ getting research opportunities, I built a small lab at my house with available resources,home-made apparatus, drawings, designs, scrap reference books and did over a 1000 researches&studies on anticipating weather conditions& natural calamities and published in journals and served the world community. Among them following are important.

*BIOFORECAST that can easily perform in minutes at no cost and forecast weather conditions&natural calamities 18 days in advance.
*GEOSCOPE that can warns earthquakes 24 hours in advance,
*INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE which can help to study the Indian nonsoon,
*WEATHER PERIODIC TIME SCALES which can easily study&estimate forthcoming climate changes many years in advance;
*BASICS OF NATIONAL GEOSCOPE SYSTEMS that is easy to establish&detect earthquakes 24 hours in advance;
*BASICS OF GLOBAL MONSOON TIME SCALES that notice forthcoming conditions of monsoonal climate&hazards 1 year to 100 years in advance.

However much efforts did tho, I couldn't get recognition either by governments or by societies moreover I was oppressed and my researches&studies were darkened&obscured. Political recommendations&officials support, cash&community, region&religion may play a key role in giving support&opportunities, awards&rewards, respect&recognition to depressed communities. I am now making my life's last journey due to disregard&despair with hopelessness&sickness. I am a victim of negligence,racism and discrimination. It is not known how long I will live, or when I will die.

Under the aforesaid circumstances I am making this request. Find out my researches in all websites/searchengines by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI and recognize me by making references in your research papers&postings on social networking websites and conversations of your seminars,meetings&discussions. If you are researcher/research student, send me your email, I will send details of the researches&studies I have done so that they may be useful in your researches.


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PayPal link PayPal.me/GIrlapati