

Mirrors- Chapter 1 : Again

She was looking at the mirror on the wall, but it didn't reveal anything to her. She was unable to project her memories there, to understand them. Instead, she saw what was around her and it wasn't enough. She wanted to break the mirror, to be less disturbed. Maybe that's how she discovered what was hidden behind that shiny layer, where she knew she would find darkness. They were like a perfect story, but in which there were black, exhausted, fragile hearts. They seemed stuck in colorful dreams and who knows when they will come back to reality. It hurt to feel all this. She leaned against the wall next to it, slowly lowering herself to the floor, things looked clearer. The mirror, with its craftsmanship, showed her only phantoms, too many faces. She felt like they were overwhelming her and like a curtain was covering the room, shielding her from the truth. Somehow the light crept here and there like a disobedient child who still had hopes.

She had to get up and draw the curtains until she sank deeper into herself. Her mind unlocked the locked drawers, the most dangerous, until she met his small, cloudy and sad eyes. It was scary to be attached to this painful shard. She barely forgot, she barely forgot, and a stifled sob makes her stop feeling anything. With a movement she removes the curtain with one hand, then puts his street coat on her shoulders. She didn't feel like anything, she was like a setting sun, impatient to fall asleep, but she forced herself to stay awake.

Without counting her steps, she moves forward through the crowd of people, until she stops in front of a cinema. Enter through the back door, entering the doors so familiar. Go down some stairs and reach a basement with a long, narrow hallway. The air there was suffocating her. But what suffocated her the most was the fact that she only now realized where she had been by herself.

She stops in front of a wall still stained with drops of once red blood. Her hands reached across the wall to the floor, picking up a knife with a broken blade. She didn't know why she came back after that, knowing that she wasn't the one who used it. She could still see the body beside her, drowning in its own salty flood and dazed. She arrived too late, she left there too late. No one doubted the label of criminal that they stuck to her forehead so easily. She refused to talk, to tell her side of the story. In those moments she could not remember, as if a curse stopped her from defending herself, from screaming the tumult inside her. Now, a drop of water from the broken ceiling wakes her up and seems to warn her of something bad. For a few moments she stood attentive, then a gunshot hurried her. She takes her on foot through the blocks suddenly transformed into an endless maze. She hoped the sounds weren't something created by her imagination, which might scare her more than reality. And a whisper passes her ear, distracting her. Pinned against the wall, she wanted to open her mouth, but the savior stopped her and led her to a more secluded place.

– What are you doing here?! Do you have no other occupation than to kidnap people?! You disgust me!

– I'm trying to help you! I don't think I deserve to be judged unfairly.

– Oh, so I'm right. You really–

– No and no! You want to go back,
I invite you.

– I thought you were better than that.

– How was I a moment ago?

– Yeah, I was just teasing you, Mason.

– Clover, next time I'll give you to them, you understand?

– Normally, let's calm down and thank you..

– No problem.

Clover wondered if he realized what he was getting himself into. So far she could be safe without saying anything. She was afraid that he would no longer be by her side. At least let this not spoil, let it be the only untouched and innocent thing. So she preferred to keep everything inside her and forget about the problems. She wanted to keep him away from her past, to keep him alive. She couldn't imagine what would happen if he found out..

© AmyBlair
#crime #danger #secret
This is just a draft of a story I've started working on.. This probably won't be the first chapter. For now it will stay like this until I write everything in more detail..