

Until You Find Nothing
If I knew how to change water on tap in to bottled good ness it would be more money's in my pockets. For not just me for all of us. Where do we go when the
answers are not there. We work a miracle but never truly get the credit for it. But if it helps some live in there lives and makes them feel better. Then we all at some point spill our lives on paper. Not reacting to you or you. Why? did these chase me away and then want me to suffer more and more and then want me to meet new but the new is not a guarantee that every thing will be great
or that I will finally find it what ever it was that I was looking for when I started. This guy and lady up stairs have many options they don't have to keep paining already bad situations which never want to give anything back they
just want me go like him An I want to slap the ones who think I am beneath his feet all day every day the pain is more then I can stand.
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