


Once girl name orthen lived in village name lanefar. She was the girl feared from caterpillars. She worked in their farm with her father and the caterpillars.once a wet leaf fell from an apple tree on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Whenever such a thing happened she hide behind the trees but from her last experience startled she shifted her hiding place from behind the tree to behind the bush.
Everyone used to laugh when such case happened.It was so humiliating for her but very humorous for others.
people used to make pranks with her
using the object.
Her close friend Robert was very cared about her and opposed other to make fun of his friend.once Robert decided to take off the fear of her therefor he brought a basket full of 'caterpillars' , "o it's too weired. "
He called Orthen for a surprise .
she walked with an exciting look at Robert ,Robert placed the basket at a branch of tree next to him and a role tied to it .As soon she came down he pulled it but the game became reverse instead of Orthen it fell on Robert .
She screamed on high volume Robert was also the part of the noise.
Robert asked for help with an expecting eye towards Orthen."Please help me my- my friend he screamed .
slowly collecting her all date she took first caterpillar out and one by one all.
After it she was the most brave to handle caterpillar but Robert replaced old Orthen's fear of caterpillars.

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